My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1212: You, my daughter and I, a family of three

Chapter 1212 You, me and my daughter, a family of three

 “Are you kidding me?”

 “Today is not April Fool’s Day.”

"I don't understand what you mean. You suddenly told me that you want a divorce?" Zhong Yun couldn't believe what she heard.

The reason why she asked so proactively just now was because she never thought that Nangong Luo would mention the relationship between the two, but what about now? She heard it but didn't want to believe it.

Nangong Luo repeated his choice again, "To be precise, we should terminate the cooperative relationship."

Zhong Yun asked dissatisfiedly: "What's the reason? Why? Give me a reason."

“The reason is that I can no longer maintain a false marriage relationship with you.”

Zhong Yun immediately responded, "I don't mind making it real."

This sentence was full of profound meaning. Nangong Luo frowned and suddenly understood Zhong Yun's intention.

 But he rejected Zhong Yun without hesitation, "I don't want to!"

 Zhong Yun’s face was ugly after being bluntly rejected.

 She thought of Gong Qianli almost immediately.

She had taken every precaution. Four years had passed, but when Gong Qianli appeared, everything was ruined.

 She is so unwilling!

However, Zhong Yun is quite witty, and even if he guessed it, he would not expose it at this time.

Zhong Yun tried to persuade him, "Luo, I don't know what made you suddenly mention this matter, but hasn't our relationship always been good? I won't hinder you, and you can help me. I thought that would be enough." For a lifetime.”

But Nangong Luo's attitude was very firm, "Zhong Yun, I've thought about it. If this continues, it will be a mistake for you and me."

Zhong Yun shook her head to deny his answer and insisted on her own idea, "No, I think this is good."

Nangong Luo’s sincere advice, “You should find someone you like and who is willing to truly love you and Yu’er to form a perfect family.”

Zhong Yun suddenly became excited, "We are also a family, you, me and Yu'er, the three of us are also a very good family!"

Seeing Zhong Yun's change in mood, Nangong Luo frowned more and more, "Zhong Yun, please be sensible."

Zhong Yun chuckled, lowered his eyes and turned away the sharp gaze, "I'm very sensible."

"I still remember that you once told me that you hoped that Yu'er would have a complete family and that Yu'er would get father's love, but obviously I am not the person in your heart. I have been neglecting Yu'er in the past four years. To be honest, every time I see Yu'er, I think that she is just a link between our cooperation, so there is no relationship. "

"It doesn't matter. At least everyone knows that Yu'er is your Nangong Luo's daughter. At least she is still the young lady of the Nangong family."

 “But that’s not the best for a child’s growth.”

Zhong Yun insisted, "I said yes!"

 “Zhong Yun, you are going too far.”

Zhong Yun shook her head and suddenly said in a very depressed tone: "Luo, you can't be so selfish and break Yu'er and I's peaceful life."

“But don’t forget, your so-called peaceful life is just our deal.”

Nangong Luo reminded her again, "Our original cooperation was that if either of the two of us no longer wants to continue the false relationship, we can terminate the cooperation. I hope you still remember."

"I forgot."

 “Then it should be clear now.”

"Luo, if you want to terminate the relationship now, it is equivalent to telling the fight that we are divorced. What will Yu'er do?" Zhong Yun took a deep breath and mentioned the past again, "Don't forget that it was because of you that Yu'er lost her father."

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 (End of this chapter)

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