My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1213: four years of life

Chapter 1213 Four years of life

“Zhong Yun, I helped you because I felt guilty. As for compensation, I have already done what I should do.”

“As for other things, I won’t tell you anything, just because I don’t want to embarrass you, and I hope you respect yourself!”

Having said this, Nangong Luo has given Zhong Yun enough face.

 Zhong Yun is a good-looking woman, but she is even more unwilling to admit defeat!

"Luo, I think you are the one who lacks reason now. Our lives used to be very regular. Didn't we get along very well in the past four years? Just because Gong Qianli came back to you again, did you waver? "

"You think we have a good relationship? Under a false name, even..."

  Not even close friends!

Although it seems that Nangong Luo is relatively approachable and easy to get along with others, in fact, he has a clear relationship between each character and himself in his heart.

Just like Ye Xichen is a brother, Ye Weiyi is also a relative, and Gong Qianli is his love.

Even if Yu Anran and Bei Ye were good friends with each other in the circle, to him, these two people were just ordinary friends he could interact with.

In Nangong Luo's heart, Zhong Yun's definition is that he is not even a friend, but he is not ready to say it directly in front of Zhong Yun.

"Zhong Yun, everyone has their own choice. If you want me to help you, I can choose to cooperate or not. Don't pressure me with what happened at the beginning. After all, I don't owe you anything."

“We’ve been together for four years, and even if it’s just a cooperative relationship, it’s deeply involved. It’s impossible for you to just say it’s over.”

"Then what else do you want? If you have any requirements, I can satisfy you as long as they are within the scope of feasibility."

"I...I just want to protect my daughter." Zhong Yun hesitated for a moment, and finally pushed the child out as a shield. If we announce our divorce to the public, the Nangong family will definitely keep Yu'er in the Nangong family. By then, I won't be able to live with Yu'er! "

Nangong Luo told her confidently, "Don't worry about this. I will explain the situation to the Nangong family, and Yu'er will definitely live with you."

Zhong Yun frowned in disbelief, "Do you mean to reveal Yu'er's identity? The child has grown up, how do you want people in the circle to view her in the future? She will be discussed by others about her parents' divorce. I will despise her."

Nangong Luo dealt with all her questions in an orderly manner, "Zhong Yun, I think you have misunderstood. When that time comes, I will naturally clarify that there is no father-daughter relationship between Yu'er and I, including repaying gratitude."

Zhong Yun shook his head. "No matter how you explain it, there are always some words that will hurt Yu'er. I don't allow my daughter to be hurt, so I don't agree with your decision."

“I think you need to know that I’m here to talk to you just because I want you to have enough time to prepare, and I’m not asking for your consent.”

 “You can’t do this to me.”

“It’s my duty to help you, but it’s my duty not to help you. Zhong Yun, you are greedy.”


Zhong Yun gritted her teeth and tried hard to tell herself to be patient.

Nangong Luo doesn't care about her. If she gets angry, it will be counterproductive and annoying.

 She must think carefully about countermeasures.

"This happened too suddenly. Can you let me think about it carefully and give me a few more days?"

 “OK, I hope you can handle it as soon as possible.”

 (End of this chapter)

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