My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1214: Nangong Luo has no feelings for you

Chapter 1214 Nangong Luo has no feelings for you

Gong Qianli's return gave Zhong Yun a sense of crisis.

She began to pay attention to Gong Qianli's movements. At the same time, others gradually became aware that Gong Qianli had a daughter.

Gong Qianli has been abroad for four years. Others don’t know if she is married. They only know that she is a single mother now.

Everyone was talking about it, but Gong Qianli did not shy away from suspicion and frankly admitted that Yu'er was her biological daughter.

Her unexpected calmness made those who tried to treat the matter as a joke find it boring.

 We are all adults, so what if we have a daughter?

But when Gong Qianli appeared in everyone's field of vision again, Zhong Yun couldn't hold it anymore.

 She went back to Zhong's house to discuss with her mother. At this time, Zhong's mother was also very worried.

"You said that Nangong Luo has no feelings for you, and even now he wants to disclose the true relationship between you at all costs?"

“Yes, it must have been Gong Qianli’s return to China that aroused Nangong Luo’s thoughts again.”

 “Daughter, you must never admit defeat.”

"Of course I know."

“Since Nangong Luo has no feelings for you, we can only start with others.”

 “Mom, do you have a plan?”

“We were able to put on a show when they were still separated. Now four years apart, as long as we make good use of the cards we have, we still have a chance of winning.”

 Zhong Yun nodded heavily when she saw her mother's confident look.

 In fact, Zhong’s mother was an insider from the beginning to the end. It was her and her mother’s plan to force her to abort the child at all costs. At that time, they deliberately put on a show in front of Nangong Luo, allowing Zhong Yun to successfully keep the child and take the position of the young lady of the Nangong family.

 Because of the relationship with the Nangong family, the Zhong family has gained a lot of glory in the past four years.

They are reluctant to leave this big tree both in public and private matters, so the Zhong family must maintain Zhong Yun's status in the Nangong family.

“Do as I say, I’ll go find Mrs. Nangong, and you go find the source of trouble.”

 “Okay, my daughter knows.”

 Zhong Yun and Zhong Mu's soldiers attacked simultaneously in two groups.

Zhong’s mother went to Nangong’s house for the reason of seeing her granddaughter, and she also found a special reason to ask Mrs. Nangong out.

 As long as women are of similar class, they can usually find common topics.

Zhong Mu asked Mrs. Nangong to go to the SPA. The SPA can relax the body and make the mood more relaxed.

But Mrs. Nangong is not one of those ladies who only cares about enjoyment. When she went out with Zhong Mu, she knew that Zhong Mu had other things.

“My mother-in-law, if you have anything to say, just say it.”

 Zhong Mu’s words were euphemistic, and when she was exposed, she said so.

“I went to see Yu’er earlier, but I heard that Nangong Luo is often not at home, barely lives with Yun’er, and doesn’t care much about Yu’er. What’s going on?”

"Ah...oh, you see, Luo'er is the only child in our Nangong family. He handles family affairs alone. The child has too heavy responsibilities and is very busy with work. It took me ten and a half days to see him. Him once."

“But it’s not like you don’t even have time to spend with your wife and daughter, right? This is too irresponsible for Yun’er and Yu’er.”

“I’ll talk to him about this when I go back.”

 Zhong Mu pretended to be a daughter and controlled her emotions very well.

Mrs. Nangong is a kind-hearted person. Even though her status is higher than that of Zhong Mu, she is easy-going and not dissatisfied even when Zhong Mu raises questions.

 Zhong Mu is a smart person, she accepts things when she sees fit, and quickly resolves the tense atmosphere with a smile.

“My mother-in-law, please don’t mind what I’m saying. Mothers love their children, please forgive me for my selfishness.”

 “It’s okay, I understand what you mean.”

 (End of this chapter)

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