My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1216: Are you going to steal my dad? bad woman

Chapter 1216 Are you going to rob my dad? bad woman

"Ok, thanks."

Because Nangong Yu asked for it, Zhong Yun could only accept it politely, which would make Nangong Yu angry and cause bad things.

Gong Qianli didn't talk nonsense to Zhong Yun. She took a stool and sat down one meter away from Zhong Yun. She got to the point and said, "What do you want to tell me about Nangong Luo? Tell me."

Zhong Yun held the warm cup in her hands and sighed deeply, "Oh."

Gong Qianli waited patiently for her next performance.

Zhong Yun finally spoke: "To tell you the truth, Luo's heart... was shaken because of your return."

Gong Qianli asked in confusion: "What does this mean?"

Zhong Yun said: "I don't know what happened after you returned to China. I only know that he has been thinking about it after meeting you. I was worried about him at that time and asked why. When I asked, I learned that he was worried about your return. Something happened in my heart."

Gong Qianli smiled and asked, "What does it have to do with me?"

 Asking knowingly…

Zhong Yun felt very unhappy because Gong Qianli could affect Nangong Luo's words and deeds without doing anything.

Just like now, Gong Qianli behaves so casually, but Nangong Luo is still restrained by emotions.

Zhong Yun held her breath in her heart, "You know, he really liked you."

Gong Qianli shrugged helplessly, "You also know that saying it was the original means the past, and that is the past tense."

"No, there is no past." Zhong Yun decisively denied her words.

"Have you ever heard of a saying? What you can't get is the best. As long as you appear next to him, he will always be impressed. You are the cinnabar mole in his heart that cannot be erased."

Such a profound meaning made Gong Qianli puzzled, "Are you here today as Nangong Luo's wife to help him convey his feelings?"

 “You know that’s not what I meant.”

“I’ve said it before, I don’t like beating around the bush. If you have something to say, just say it. Don’t ask me to answer questions.” From Gong Qianli’s point of view, whether it is euphemistic or direct, there is only one answer to this matter.

Zhong Yun chose to retreat instead of advancing, "Okay, I'll be honest, if there are any inappropriate words, I hope you won't blame me."

"what ever."

"Your reappearance made Luo Ta even alienate me..." At this point, Zhong Yun deliberately shifted his gaze and glanced at his daughter beside him, then continued to face Gong Qianli, "I came today just to beg you, beg you. Give our family of three a peaceful life.”

"What you said is really funny. Did I deliberately sabotage it?" This was a bit of a blame game, and Gong Qianli was not willing to bear it.

"I didn't mean that. I know you didn't mean it, but I hope you can decisively let Luo give up on you. This will be good for everyone." Zhong Yun sighed again, "Yu'er is only three years old, she can't There is no father."

Nangong Yu suddenly stood up and stared at Gong Qianli closely and asked, "Are you going to take my dad away?"

Gong Qianli asked: "Who told you?"

 “Hmph! Bad woman!”

“I don’t care about you because you are a child. Zhong Yun, take care of your children and don’t talk nonsense. I have never done anything from the beginning to the end.”

“I’m sorry, Yu’er is just too worried about me, and she also wants to care about her father.”

"I understand what you mean, but this matter has nothing to do with me. Please come back."

 “Are you unwilling to agree?”

 “I just think it makes no sense what you’re saying.”

 The seemingly peaceful conversation suddenly ignited smoke.

 The war was about to spread, and a soft call suddenly came from the corridor, "Mommy..."

 (End of this chapter)

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