My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1217: She is not my sister!

Chapter 1217 She is not my sister!

Xiao Yuer walked out with small steps.

She looked at the two strangers in front of her, an aunt and a child, besides her mother.

 In Xiao Yu'er's world view, when people come to her home, she will first regard them as Gong Qianli's friends.

After Xiao Yuer came out, she asked curiously: "Mommy, who are they?"

It is actually very simple to introduce Zhong Yun to children. Although Gong Qianli does not want to see Zhong Yun, she will not show her dissatisfaction in front of her children.

Gong Qianli educates Xiao Yuer to be polite. She must set a good example in front of her children.

So when Xiao Yuer asked about it, she introduced her concisely and clearly, "Her surname is Zhong, just call her Auntie. This kid is her daughter, a little older than you."

"Hello, Aunt Zhong, hello, little sister." Without Gong Qianli's special instructions, Xiao Yu'er had already remembered the courtesy of greeting people when meeting.

 This is the first time Zhong Yun sees Xiao Yu'er.

She didn’t expect that the daughter Gong Qianli brought back would be so well-behaved and quiet.

  Compare it to your own daughter...

Zhong Yun reached out and pushed Nangong Yu, "My sister is calling you, please say hello soon."

Nangong Yu didn’t care at first, but she was suddenly pushed by Zhong Yun and felt very unhappy.

 When I see a girl about the same size as myself, the competitive mentality of a child emerges.

 “She’s not my sister! I don’t have a sister!”

Gong Qianli’s eyes suddenly became sharp.

Zhong Yun quickly pulled her daughter behind her and taught her, "Who taught you to be so rude! Apologize to your sister."

“I don’t!” Nangong Yu only knew how to focus on herself when she lost her temper. The more Zhong Yun blamed her, the more she refused to obey.

Zhong Yun really felt embarrassed, especially in front of Gong Qianli. She felt even more embarrassed. He simply took Nangong Yu's hand and slapped her in the face, "Why are you so disobedient? Please apologize."

"Hit me! I'm going to hit you!" Nangong Yu slapped Zhong Yun on the hand instead.

 The "pop" sound was clear and loud.

Xiao Yu'er was startled by Nangong Yu, took a step back and stood behind Gong Qianli, holding her mother's hand tightly.

Gong Qianli picked up her daughter and rudely ordered Zhong Yun to be kicked out, "If you want to educate your child, you will go to your own home. You have disturbed my daughter."

 Things happened on this floor. Under such circumstances, how could Zhong Yun still remember his purpose?

She now wished she had never been here, and had lost face in front of Gong Qianli because she couldn't educate her children!

 “Ms. Gong, excuse me.”

Zhong Yun forcibly picked up Nangong Yu and left the apartment without looking back.

Gong Qianli kicked the door open and closed it.

After she finished showing off her smooth movements, she suddenly remembered that her daughter was still watching...

“Ahem. Mommy is holding you, so she can’t free her hands to close the door. This is an impolite gesture. Yu’er must not imitate it, do you understand?”

Xiao Yu'er nodded obediently, "Yu'er knows."

Gong Qianli carried her back to the room and asked as she walked: "Why did you suddenly come out of the room just now?"

 “Yu’er came out when she heard someone speaking.”

“Don’t take what happened just now to heart, we are not familiar with them anyway.”

"Yeah." Xiao Yu'er didn't care about Nangong Yu's attitude. She only cared about her mother.

 “Mommy, please put me down.”

"Okay." As soon as Gong Qianli put her daughter on the ground, Xiao Yu'er looked up and saw the light on the phone on the table.

 “Mommy, your phone lights up.”

 (End of this chapter)

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