My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1218: Deceive Xiao Yuer out

Chapter 1218: Deceive Xiao Yuer out

The phone turned on and rang. Gong Qianli received a call from Ye Qingfeng saying that she wanted to take Yu'er to the amusement park.

Little did he know that Nangong Luo was standing next to Ye Qingfeng, and the two communicated silently.

“Really, you kids are going and you’re not going to let me go?”

“Don’t worry, Godmother, with Aunt Yanxi accompanying us, that place will be absolutely safe.”

 “Tell me the address and let me look it up.”

“****” Ye Qingfeng quickly reported the name of an amusement park.

Gong Qianli immediately checked and found out that this amusement park was special.

There is an amusement park specially built for children. All people who enter there must have their real names, and their identities can be checked at any time.

Gong Qianli has always felt that even children do not need to be watched all the time. Three-year-old children already have their own consciousness. Since children are willing to play alone, they will share their world with each other.

 This is weekend rest and play time, and she will not restrict her daughter from making friends.

Since it was Ye Qingfeng who invited her, it must have been approved by Ye Weiwei. Thinking of this, Gong Qianli could feel free to send her daughter there.

Leng Yanxi and Ye Qingfeng stood at the door to pick up people. As soon as they saw Xiao Yu'er, Ye Qingfeng eagerly took Xiao Yu'er away.

 “Thank you for your hard work, godmother! Goodbye, godmother.”

Gong Qianli: "???" Why does this brat look like he is going to abduct her daughter?

Leng Yanxi, who was standing aside and had not yet left, smiled awkwardly, "Don't worry, Miss Gong, I will definitely take good care of the children and send Yu'er back to you safely."

 “Okay, trouble.”

Leng Yanxi nodded and took steps to catch up.

 When she got to the car, Leng Yanxi looked back at the man in the back seat and took a deep breath, "Nangong Luo! Just this once."

 “Thank you this time.”

Leng Yanxi:! !

Nangong Luo bribed Ye Qingfeng to become a teammate. Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo stalked her and asked her to do Nangong Luo a favor. She had no choice but to agree, but she didn't expect to pick up Xiao Yu'er alone.

Although she knew that Nangong Luo would not harm Xiao Yu'er, she was supposed to stand with Ye Weiwei and Gong Qianli to prevent Nangong Luo from meeting Xiao Yu'er, but now she has become an accomplice...

Leng Yanxi secretly vowed that it would only be this once, and she would never soften her heart just because of the children's pleas.

But who could have expected that once on the pirate ship, you would never get off again.

The three children occupied a very small space. Nangong Luo sat in the back row with them, and even held Xiao Yu'er directly on his lap.

 Hear Xiao Yu'er shout clearly: "Uncle Nangong."

Nangong Luo was flattered, "I didn't expect Xiao Yu'er to still remember me."

Xiao Yu'er answered his words seriously, "Uncle helped Yu'er, Yu'er will never forget you."

 “So good.”

 Xiao Yuer raised her head and gave him a sweet smile.

 Children’s smiles are very pure. When children are willing to sincerely show kindness to you, they will be sincerely happy.

 After entering the amusement park, the five people divided into two groups.

Leng Yanxi walked to the right with Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo, while Nangong Luo walked to the left with Xiao Yuer in his arms.

Xiao Yuer was therefore curious, "Uncle Nangong, why don't we follow Brother Feng and Sister Ruo?"

“Because uncle wants to take you to play alone today.”

 “Yu’er wants to play with her brothers and sisters.”

“Brothers and sisters still have their own things to do. Don’t you want Xiao Yu’er to play with your uncle?”

The ending sound of ˜˜ sounds a little sad.

The considerate little Yu'er quickly changed her words to comfort him, "Yu'er will play with you."

 (End of this chapter)

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