My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1219: Father and daughter playground

Chapter 1219 Father and daughter’s playground

Nangong Luo was surprised by this.

Originally, the only children around him were the Ye family brothers and Nangong Yu, and Nangong Yu was unruly and willful. In contrast, he liked the smart and sensible Ye Zhiruo very much.

But after meeting Xiao Yuer today, I realized that there is another kind of cute child, just like a marshmallow, sweet and soft, and really wants to be held in people's hearts.

 “Xiao Yu’er, I’m so jealous…”

 “Huh? Uncle, what are you talking about?”

“It’s okay, I’ll take you to see the entertainment options, you can see what you like to play.”

 Actually, what Nangong Luo didn't say completely was: I'm really jealous of your biological father, who not only got your mother, but also such a lovely daughter like you.

 Originally, he deliberately created an opportunity to cultivate a relationship with Xiao Yu'er so that he could pursue Gong Qianli in the future. However, after the real contact, he found that he sincerely wanted to pamper this child first.

Nangong Luo felt that he was very contradictory. He actually did not reject the daughter of his love rival at all, and even wanted to get close to Xiao Yu'er.

 “Uncle, can I play with this?”

Xiao Yuer spent a long time choosing, and finally chose a carousel that most children wanted.

Nangong Luo nodded, "Of course."

 This is safer and most suitable for children.

This amusement park is somewhat equivalent to a high-end club. The entertainment facilities inside are not as many as those outside, but the safety factor and scene setting are much better. In addition, many places have specially set up venues or common play equipment for adults who accompany children.

Just to say that the carousel was very dreamy. When Xiao Yu'er walked over, she couldn't help but exclaimed "Wow", "It's so beautiful."

 “Xiao Yuer likes it very much?”

 “The playground is very beautiful.” I was so happy that I actually spoke English.

 She said that this playground is very beautiful.

Nangong Luo easily picked her up and put her on the wooden horse. He sat next to her and said, "Let's go."

˜Beautiful music is accompanied by the children’s silvery laughter. It is natural for children to love to play. Xiao Yuer, who is usually such a shy child, has a big smile on her face.

One high and one low, one after another, Nangong Luo always stretched out his hands to protect the child, never slacking off for a moment.

I just think that smile is too pure and beautiful, so I want to keep it forever, hoping that she can always be so happy and carefree.

 At the end of the round, the merry-go-round gradually stopped.

After Nangong Luo got down, he stretched out his hands towards Xiao Yu'er, and Xiao Yu'er naturally threw herself into his arms.

"Is it fun?"

 “Hmm, I like it very much.”

 It can be seen from her expression that she must be in a very happy mood at the moment.

“Seeing you smiling so happily, it’s the right time to come here. What else do you want to play next?”

 “Is anything okay?”


"Hmm." Xiao Yu'er hesitated for a moment, then told him frankly, "Mommy said you can't make too many demands on others. This is not good."

Nangong Luo tried his best to change her attitude towards him and kept instilling in her, "What your mommy means is that you can't make demands on unfamiliar people casually, but if you are talking to people close to you, you can tell your innermost feelings. Uncle There’s no need to hold back.”

 “Uncle, you are so kind.”

Xiao Yuer suddenly lowered her head and kissed him on the cheek.

The warm touch made Nangong Luo stunned for a moment, and a very subtle feeling arose in his heart.

“Yu’er, do you want a daddy?”


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 (End of this chapter)

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