My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1237: Don't take away my father

Chapter 1237 Don’t take my dad away

Zhong Yun applied medicine to her daughter and put on a bandage. She felt resentful when she thought that the Nangong family was paying less attention to her and her daughter.

 All these changes started when Gong Qianli returned to China!

That woman is really her natural enemy.

Zhong Yun poked Nangong Yu's head lightly, "I've been crying all day long. When your father drives us mother and son out of the house, let's see how you can be so arrogant!"

 “Why were you kicked out of the house?”

 “It’s all that hateful woman!”

Nangong Luo has been urging her to take the initiative to come forward, just because of the slight affection in the past. If the matter continues to be delayed, Nangong Luo will definitely lose his patience.

 She spent four years and still couldn't change Nangong Luo's mind, so she had to find a way to get rid of Gong Qianli.

 To untie the bell, the person who tied it must also be tied. She had to make Gong Qianli understand not to interfere in other people's marriages!

This time, Zhong Yun carefully educated Nangong Yu for a whole day, telling her to remember how to speak.

“Yu’er, you have to listen to mommy no matter what this time. If you don’t do what mommy says, you won’t have a father in the future.”

 “Is someone going to steal my daddy?”

"Yes! There is a bad woman who wants to steal your father, so you must be obedient."

Nangong Yu nodded and made a possessive voice, "Don't **** my dad!"

Zhong Yun brought Nangong Yu to the door again. This time, he was even more ruthless. When he saw Gong Qianli, he knelt down to her.

Gong Qianli was startled by Zhong Yun's unexpected action!

 “Zhong Yun? What are you doing?”

“Miss Gong, I know you don’t like to beat around the bush with others, so I will speak directly this time. I am here to beg you today.”

Gong Qianli's expression was very unnatural, "It's not time to greet the New Year yet, so there's no need to kneel down so sincerely..."

Zhong Yun said: "Maybe this can make me feel more at ease."

 “You get up first.”

“No, please listen to me first. I’m here to beg you today.”

 “Okay, then you kneel down.”

“…” Zhong Yun never expected that Gong Qianli would act so unconventionally.

But forget it, anyway, she has only one purpose for coming here today, "I'm here to beg you to give my Nangong family some peace."

“There’s always been a distance, you’d better get up and talk first...” Being kneeled down by her peers, she found it quite confusing.

 “I don’t understand this.”

"Miss Gong, I already know that you took your daughter to visit grandpa, and grandpa regarded you as me. I dare not guess what you mean, but if this matter spreads, it will be a disaster for everyone. not good."

 “I know, I will pay attention.”

 “Did you agree?”


“Have you promised to keep your distance from Luo?”

“…” Gong Qianli didn’t know why Zhong Yun could jump directly from one question to another.

 But she understood that the purpose of Zhong Yun's visit today was to explicitly and implicitly tell her to stay away from Nangong Luo.

Gong Qianli took a deep breath and reiterated, "I have no idea about him. You don't have to guard me like a thief."

Zhong Yun immediately answered, "But he can't forget his old love for you."

 “So what do you want me to do?”

“How Miss Gong cut off Luo’s thoughts about you back then, she can do it now.”

Zhong Yun knocked on Nangong Yu’s back at this moment. Nangong Yu, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke, “Auntie, please don’t take away my father, okay?”

  【The next chapter will be more exciting】



 (End of this chapter)

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