My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1238: Bad woman, I'll beat you to death

Chapter 1238: Bad woman, I’ll beat you to death

Nangong Yu suddenly spoke, which had a strange impact on Gong Qianli's heart.

 As a mother, the most intolerable thing is the request of her children.

She didn't like Zhong Yun's attitude. She could retort or ignore it with confidence, but Nangong Yu's plea made her feel like she had made a mistake.

 She asked herself that she was not the kind of woman who was a saint.

 But there is always a little more patience and kindness towards children.

She told Nangong Yu, "Auntie didn't steal your father."

Nangong Yu continued according to what Zhong Yun taught her yesterday: "My father hasn't played with me recently. He even asked me if I wanted a different mother. But I don't want to change my mother. I want my mother."

Nangong Yu said such words, which reminded Gong Qianli of a picture.

Does Nangong Luo really want to kick Zhong Yun, the empress of the palace? And then continue to pursue her?

joke! At that time, everyone will think that she, Gong Qianli, is meddling in someone else's marriage.

“Okay, I understand what you mean. But what you are doing is unnecessary. Zhong Yun, you’d better get up. I don’t have the habit of being worshiped by others.”

 “Ms. Gong, do you disagree?”

"I will not agree to your request because your request is nonsense."

“Miss Gong, I actually saw you and Luo coming out of grandpa’s house that day. They were so harmonious that they seemed like a family.”

"Although I am Luo's wife, I know very well that I don't have the capital to show off my power. I can only beg you to help our mother and daughter. Yu'er cannot lose his father."

Zhong Yun naturally knows Gong Qianli’s character.

I couldn't hold Gong Qianli from the identity. Borrowing Nangong Luo's wife's identity, it would let Gong Qianli oppose her, so she could only adopt this way.

 Bringing Nangong Yu here is just to gain sympathy.

"I said last time that I have nothing to do with him! The answer this time is still the same. I don't recognize what you said, and I won't promise you anything." Gong Qianli turned his back to her, feeling a little impatient.

 Because she didn’t know how to explain it so that Zhong Yun could understand it.

Zhong Yun suddenly grabbed Nangong Yu's hand and shouted, "Yu'er, kneel down."


Before Gong Qianli could stop him, she turned around and saw the child being forcibly pulled and kneeling on the ground.

 This made Gong Qianli feel a little uneasy about her conscience.

 “Zhong Yun, don’t be like this.”

"You don't know, as a wife and a mother, you really want to maintain your own family. As I said last time, he has an undesirable desire to conquer you. I can't control his heart. I can only come. Please."

 Zhong Yun expressed one idea over and over again.

Gong Qianli’s ears felt like they were getting calloused, and she felt very uncomfortable.

If she really wants to **** Nangong Luo away, she can achieve her goal even if she doesn't need Xiao Yu'er. Now that she has Xiao Yu'er, it's really easy to get to the top.

 But she didn't want to, she didn't want that false identity.

"You simply can't communicate. Let me say it for the last time. I don't have those thoughts. You can leave."

Gong Qianli’s attitude is very clear.

 Zhong Yun pulled her daughter up to stand still.

Who would have expected that Nangong Yu would suddenly point at Gong Qianli and yell, and reach out to hit her, "Bad woman! I'll beat you to death!"

Xiao Yuer, who was hiding aside, suddenly ran out to protect Gong Qianli, "Don't hit my mother!"

Nangong Yu will not be obedient.

 She suddenly stretched out her hand and pushed Xiao Yu'er away hard.

 There was a loud "dong" sound as it hit the ground.

 (End of this chapter)

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