My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1241: Nangong Yu is not my daughter

Chapter 1241 Nangong Yu is not my daughter

 “Gong Qianli!” Zhong Yun looked at her daughter’s wounds and suddenly hated Gong Qianli extremely.

Gong Qianli took a dagger and drove the mother and daughter out, "I said, if anyone hurts my daughter, I will never let her have an easy time!"

 “Crazy, you are really crazy!”

Zhong Yun and Zhong Mu almost hated her, but due to Gong Qianli's incredible strength, they didn't dare to fight her.

With Nangong Luohu by Gong Qianli's side, they were even more helpless against Gong Qianli.

Mrs. Nangong dealt with it and asked Zhong Yun to quickly take Nangong Yu to bandage the wound.

 Actually, Gong Qianli was just venting his anger and did not really act cruelly.

The cut was made and a little blood flowed, but this was nothing compared to the damage Xiao Yuer suffered!

When Zhong Yun held her daughter to stop the bleeding, Zhong's mother and Mrs. Nangong followed behind.

Only Nangong Luo stayed.

Gong Qianli's tone was unkind, "Why, I hurt your precious daughter, and you don't feel bad at all? Or are you staying here and waiting to settle accounts with me?"

 “She is not my daughter.”

"It's really ridiculous." Gong Qianli knew Nangong Luo's most personal attitude, but how could she believe what Nangong Luo suddenly said?

However, Nangong Luo's expression was serious and he really planned to have a showdown with Gong Qianli.

“Liu Li, this matter is not what you think.”

"That's enough Nangong Luo! Everything happened because of you. If it weren't for you, Zhong Yun wouldn't have been pestering me all the time. It's because you can't educate your own daughter well that Nangong Yu is so arrogant and domineering You hurt my Yu'er! Get out!"

Gong Qianli interrupted him ruthlessly, pointed at the door and chased him away.

 No one present could understand her mood at that time, almost her whole heart was about to jump out of fear!

She simply couldn’t imagine that if her daughter couldn’t wake up, would she go crazy?

 with Nangong's family?

"You'd better take care of your wife and daughter, otherwise I'll beat you once I see you!"

 “You know my character, I do what I say!”

Gong Qianli’s heart was full of anger.

Nangong Luo waited quietly for her to finish venting, not annoyed at all.

 He could no longer bear to tell her the truth, "Liu Li, actually Nangong Yu is..."

But at the most critical moment, Xiao Yuer slowly opened her eyes on the hospital bed and said in a weak voice, "Mommy..."

Even though the sound was not clear, Gong Qianli still caught it!

 She was overjoyed to see Xiao Yu'er wake up.

 “Baby, you really scared mommy.”

  The fierceness just now was just a shell to protect herself. Now that she saw that her daughter was safe, she immediately threw away the spiked weapon, and she truly looked like a soft-hearted mother.

She remembered the doctor's instructions and rang the bell to call the doctor when Xiao Yu'er woke up, and did another check-up on Xiao Yu'er.

The doctor told her the good news among the misfortunes, and also reminded her, "You may have a headache in the near future, so let the child get more rest."

 “Thank you, thank you doctor.”

After the doctor finished the examination, Gong Qianli hugged her daughter excitedly. She was so strong that she almost cried, "Yu'er, my baby, mommy is really scared when she sees you lying there."

Hearing the news that Xiao Yuer woke up, Zhong Yun and others stood outside the door and took a look again.

Mrs. Nangong bowed her hands and thanked God, "Thank God for blessing, this child finally woke up."

"She is awake, but our Yuer is still injured! The Zhong family will not just let this matter go. My mother-in-law, you will not let your granddaughter suffer in order to favor outsiders, right?"

【One of the previous chapters has been blocked, and Qixi has not found the sensitive words yet. You may feel that a chapter is missing, and Qixi is working hard to revise it】



 (End of this chapter)

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