My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1242: Uncle, don't make my mommy cry

Chapter 1242 Uncle, don’t make my mommy cry

"She is awake, but our Yuer is still injured! The Zhong family will not just let this matter go. My mother-in-law, you will not let your granddaughter suffer in order to favor outsiders, right?"

Zhong Mu instigated Mrs. Nangong to stand up for Nangong Yu.

Mrs. Nangong felt uncomfortable, "Yu'er almost got into trouble, what do you want me to do?"

"Yu'er didn't do it on purpose, but Gong Qianli relied on her family's power to do whatever she wanted. She attacked Yu'er in front of all of us. She was not provoking our Zhong family and Nangong family."

 That’s what it sounds like…

Mrs. Nangong stood at the door and looked inside quietly.

I saw that Gong Qianli looked very different when she was holding her daughter and talking about her inner panic.

“Besides the forehead, are there any injuries??”


"Don't scare mommy like this anymore." Even though Xiao Yu'er woke up, Gong Qianli's voice was trembling when talking about that matter.

 Xiao Yu'er hurt her head, but there was no pain elsewhere.

So she hugged her mother back, even though her two little hands were too short to reach, she imitated an adult's comforting gesture and patted Gong Qianli's back gently, "Mommy, don't cry. Yu'er is fine."

 The injured child in turn comforted the parents. It takes such a sensible child to have such a clear will.

Even though Xiao Yuer felt her head was dizzy and painful, she tried her best not to cry.

 Because she knew that if she cried, Mommy would be even more sad.

 So she wanted to comfort her mother, "Don't worry, Mommy, Yu'er is very brave."

“Yes, Yu’er is the bravest and most obedient, so I have to promise mommy to take good care of herself in the future and never let mommy worry anymore.”

Xiao Yuer reached out and hugged Gong Qianli to comfort her, "Yes."

  Mother and daughter comforted each other. Nangong Luo patted Gong Qianli's shoulder with one hand, "Liu Li, Xiao Yu'er needs to rest."

 As soon as Gong Qianli heard about her daughter, she reacted quickly.

She wiped her tears casually and let go of her daughter, "Okay, Yu'er, lie down and rest. Mommy will sleep next to you."

Gong Qianli was about to help her daughter lie down, but Xiao Yuer suddenly stared at Nangong Luo and shouted: "Uncle."

Gong Qianli’s movements froze.

Nangong Luo lowered his head and approached her and responded, "Uncle is here."

“Yu’er is going to sleep, uncle, can you help Yu’er look at mommy and stop her from crying?”


  When Xiao Yuer said these words, the whole scene was very quiet.

No one expected that she would say such a thing.

 Such a child is so well-behaved that it makes people feel distressed.

Nangong Luo nodded solemnly and replied solemnly, "Okay, uncle will definitely do it."

 “Thank you, uncle.”

 After explaining the matter, Xiao Yuer closed her eyes and went to sleep peacefully.

Gong Qianli covered her mouth tightly to hold back any sound, but her eyes were filled with tears.

Suddenly, a finger gently wiped the corner of her eye, and Nangong Luo's voice came to her ears, "You can't go back on your word when you promise your child."

Mrs. Nangong closed the door in time.

  She was not at peace at the moment, having peeked at the whole process at the door.

Originally she was very dissatisfied with Gong Qianli for hurting Nangong Yu, but now she felt extremely sorry for Xiao Yu'er who was lying on the hospital bed.

Mrs. Nangong responded to Zhong Mu, "It's not as serious as you said. That girl Liuli is just impatient and can't rub the sand in her eyes. The doctor didn't say it when she stopped the bleeding just now, or she broke the skin and started bleeding."

“My mother-in-law, why are you helping outsiders?”

 (End of this chapter)

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