My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1245: Dress him with your own hands

Chapter 1245 Dressing him with my own hands

The temperature in City S was still relatively low in the morning, so she had to wear at least a coat when going out, but Nangong Luo left her coat with her and went out in single clothes.

"Are you stupid?"

Gong Qianli muttered something, took the coat from the bedside and put it on him.

 The atmosphere between the two people who suddenly came closer heated up sharply.

Nangong Luo took a breath of cold air and said, "Hey, it's so cold. Help me put on some clothes."

“Don’t you have hands yourself?” Gong Qianli rolled her eyes at him.

Nangong Luo deliberately raised his neck and shook his head, "For the sake of me running so far in the cold wind early in the morning to buy you breakfast, can you help me once?"

 You don’t have to be a fool if you have a ready-made plan to kill meat!

  In one sentence, he listed all the hardships he had to endure to buy breakfast for her. Gong Qianli glared at him, but still "waited" for him to put on his coat, and deliberately buttoned it up.

Gong Qianli knew that Nangong Luo had a habit. He didn't like buttons or zippers when buying coats, because he always disliked that kind of dress and thought it was ugly.

 So now she deliberately buttoned up all the buttons on his clothes.

Nangong Luo didn’t say a word, because he suddenly didn’t mind buttoning up his buttons now.

 Not only do I not dislike it, I seem to be very happy...

Because Gong Qianli has one more button, he will be one step closer to him.

 “I wish there were a hundred more buttons on this dress.”

 “You can pull me down!”

Gong Qianli slapped him on the chest, glared at him again, and then started to chase people away, "You can leave after breakfast."

Nangong Luo didn't like hearing this, "You don't believe it, I promised Xiao Yu'er to guard you."

“That’s because you were the only one around at that time, so Xiao Yu’er would call you to stare at me, and I won’t cry anymore.”

“Be true to your word. This is my promise to Xiao Yuer. I must stick to it to the end.”

"This is really funny. Yu'er asked you to help me and don't make me cry. Just listen. Then yesterday I hurt your daughter with a knife. Why didn't you feel worried at all?"

 Supply and Demand Management I don’t know how to describe my inner understanding of Nangong Luo.

Nangong Luo seems to be very kind to Yu'er, but why is he indifferent to his biological daughter?

From her perspective, Nangong Luo didn't care about Zhong Yun and her daughter, and she seemed to be happy about it.

But from another perspective, Nangong Luo is not sad about his biological daughter, so how sincere is he to Yu'er?

Gong Qianli is struggling with this point.

Nangong Luo explained to her again, "I said, she is not my daughter."

Gong Qianli didn't believe it, "Come on, I've prepared another set of excuses."

Nangong Luo suddenly grabbed her arm and his expression became serious, "Liu Li, please listen carefully to the next words."

 “Nangong Yu, she…”

 “Dong dong dong.”

 At this critical moment, Mrs. Nangong knocked on the door and entered the ward.

Nangong Luo hadn’t let go of Gong Qianli’s hand. Mrs. Nangong saw this embarrassing scene with her own eyes and didn’t know what to say for a moment.

 It seems that her son is pestering someone else. What should she do?

When Gong Qianli noticed Mrs. Nangong’s strange gaze falling on her hand, she quickly shook Nangong Luo away and called out again: "Auntie."

Mrs. Nangong said: "Liu Li, I'm here to see Yu'er."

 “Yu’er is still resting.”

Probably because she had a grudge against Nangong Yu’s injury to Xiao Yu’er, Gong Qianli and Mrs. Nangong were not as close as before.

 (End of this chapter)

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