My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1246: It's impossible for you

Chapter 1246 It’s impossible for you anymore

Mrs. Nangong brought something up and said, "This is the porridge I cooked by myself. It is a light food specially prepared for Xiao Yu'er."

 “Thank you, aunt.”

 “You’re welcome, it’s still our fault.”

 Look, this sentence brings Nangong Yu under the wings of the Nangong family again.

Gong Qianli lowered her eyes and chuckled, but the smile was not genuine.

 She nodded as she accepted Mrs. Nangong’s kindness.

Mrs. Nangong had no intention of leaving. She stood for a while and asked Nangong Luozhi to leave. "Luo'er, please go out first. I still have a few words to say to Liuli."

 “Is there anything I can’t hear?”

“What I’m talking about is of course a matter between women. What are you, a grown man, doing here?”

 “Okay, okay, okay, okay.”

Nangong Luo naturally wouldn't care about his mother.

 After sending Nangong Luo away, Mrs. Nangong showed a kind smile when facing Gong Qianli, "Liu Li, actually I still have a few words to say."

Gong Qianli nodded, "Let's go to the cubicle to talk."

 In order to avoid disturbing Xiao Yu'er's rest, they also went next door.

Mrs. Nangong hesitated for a moment, then slowly said what was in her heart, "It is indeed Yu'er who did something wrong in this matter. We have educated her, and you have spoken out for Yu'er. This kind of thing will not harm anyone if it is revealed. OK, can you please keep this secret?"

Hearing Mrs. Nangong’s words, Gong Qianli suddenly understood.

Mrs. Nangong made the food herself early in the morning and sent it not because she felt guilty or concerned about her and Yu'er, but because she was moved by her own granddaughter Nangong Yu.

The Gong family's strength should not be underestimated. They were afraid that if she told her family about this matter, they would cause trouble for Zhong Yun and Nangong Yu...

 In the final analysis, these are all for selfish reasons.

 She was an outsider from the beginning to the end. Even the relationship that was once as close as mother and daughter could become so strange and alienated.

Gong Qianli directly gave her the answer she wanted, "I have no intention of publicizing Yu'er's injury everywhere."

Mrs. Nangong breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, that's good. Liuli is still a good and sensible child."

"No, I'm not a good person." Gong Qianli sneered, and regardless of whether she might offend anyone, she directly said something ugly, "Since Auntie is here to intercede for them, please tell Auntie Zhong Yun, Let them, mother and daughter, remember not to appear in front of me, Gong Qianli! Otherwise, I will beat them every time we see them!"

As soon as these words came out, Mrs. Nangong’s old face couldn’t stand up.

She knew that Gong Qianli was straightforward and could show her heart to her friends, but she could also be ruthless to her enemies!

“Liu Li, after all, they are Luo’er’s wife and daughter. You used to have a good relationship with Luo’er, so please forgive them just for his sake.”

"What happened in the past is in the past, and aunt, do you really hope that the relationship between me and Nangong Luo will remain the same as before? I'm afraid Zhong Yun will be so angry that she will jump off her feet." There was a hint of sarcasm in this statement, and everyone could understand it.

"Liu Li, there was no right or wrong in what happened at the beginning. When things have developed to this point, it is no longer possible for you and Luo'er to be together. As a wife, no one wants to see their husband treat other women well. Zhong Yun's The mood is actually understandable.”

 “I don’t understand, and I don’t want to understand.”

"Auntie, I don't want to quarrel because of others." Before starting the war, Gong Qianli put out the flames in time and changed the target, "Also, Nangong Luo doesn't care about Nangong Yu's affairs. Don't you think it's strange?"

 (End of this chapter)

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