My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 125: The little fan girl of the big devil

Chapter 125 The Big Devil’s Little Fan Girl

“But if she follows you, will it disturb your live broadcast?” Xu Tangxi also wanted to persuade her.

Ye Weiwei raised her hand like a good student and said seriously: "Sister Xu, I promise not to disturb my brother!"

“Did you hear that?” Ye Xichen raised his head and glanced at Xu Tangxi.

Xu Tangxi wanted to say something else, but Nangong Luo hurriedly dragged her away.

When Ye Xichen opened the live broadcast room, he saw Ye Weiwei sitting upright and watching his narration.

Ye Xichen never shows her face during live broadcasts, so she can sit right next to Ye Xichen.

 When the Y.L team came on stage, Ye Xichen's live broadcast officially began.

The number of onlookers in the live broadcast room increased rapidly. Various confessional subtitles appeared on the public screen, so many that it was blinding. The IDs that were constantly changing on the screen were overwhelming.

Ye Weiwei secretly gave him a thumbs up, not knowing how serious it was!

Ye Xichen never talks dirty to fans during live broadcasts. According to Nangong Luo’s words: Our boss is cold and cold, and he is handsome, famous, rich, powerful and loves to do whatever he wants!

Ye Xichen does not need to rely on his good looks to attract fans, nor does he need to deliberately do or say anything to get fans to send gifts. He does live broadcasts entirely because of his own interests.

But I can’t bear to hear someone’s voice is so good. As soon as I open my mouth, it’s a magnetic temptation. Coupled with the blessing of a magical sound card, my perfect score of 100 can be doubled to 200!

 The only unprocessed sound I heard at the scene was still...confused.

The original posture of sitting upright turned into holding her face with both hands, and instantly transformed into a crazy girl, with curved eyebrows and a slight smile.

 She found a direction where she could best see Ye Xichen's expression, and stared at Ye Xichen in a daze.

 Who says there is no perfect person?

 He is clearly the most perfect person right in front of her!

He has short black hair, a pair of black eyes dyed with ink, and uncanny facial features, especially the beautiful thin lips that are particularly attractive.

Always, in Ye Weiyi’s eyes, he is very, very good-looking! Super handsome guy!


   …" Someone who is immersed in beauty automatically blocks outside sounds from his ears.

Ye Xichen tapped her left index finger on the table and repeated, "Water."

Ye Weiwei suddenly opened his eyes wide, opened his lips and quickly stopped. He pointed his hand back at himself and asked in his eyes: Me?

Her cautious look was noticed by Ye Xichen, who immediately became happy and cooperated with her without making a sound, only blinking and nodding.

Ye Weiwei moved her body slowly. The room was covered with a layer of white carpet. She knew it was very clean, so she simply crawled on her knees from the computer desk to the water dispenser.

"Huhu." As expected, no sound was made at all. She was extremely happy. Not only did she not disturb Ye Xichen, but she was also able to get him water. She really made a big difference at that moment!

 She collected the water and walked back carefully, handing the water glass to Ye Xichen.

As a result, just when she was about to sit down, she accidentally kicked the soft carpet dividing line and hit the table with a "bang".

Ye Weiwei covered her mouth tightly and did not make a sound. At this time, Ye Xichen dropped the mouse and grabbed her arm and said: "Be careful!"

Ye Weiwei nodded and shook his head, mouthing to tell him that it was okay.

 Ye Xichen released her after confirmation.

Ye Weiwei took a deep breath and looked at the public screen again. The original screen with different bullet screens turned out to be copycats.

 “What the hell? Is there anyone else next to Yagami?”

All true fans of Mars know that when he broadcasts live, no one will appear next to him!

Live broadcast, many people heard it, guess what Brother Chen and Xiao Lingdang will do?



 (End of this chapter)

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