My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 126: Let's learn to meow together

Chapter 126 Let’s learn to meow together

 “Who is that next to Yagami? Speak!”

When Ye Xichen started the live broadcast, even the staff were away from him. Fans turned on the detective mode and speculated, "Parents? Friends? Lovers?"

“Please! Yagami is in the same place as the Y.L team tonight, excluding the possibility of his parents nearby! They can only be friends and lovers!”

 “I accept friends, lovers? I won’t listen!”

 Some people are speculating and others are arguing, but most fans choose to wait for the answer: "Seeking the truth!"

Ye Xichen turned his head and stared at Ye Weiyi with a half-smile.

Ye Weiwei winked at him and wanted him to help solve the problem, but Ye Xichen refused to say anything.

Ye Weiwei was so anxious that she actually called "meow meow meow" twice into the microphone.

 The whole place was silent…

 After a while, the public screen was dominated by the copycat again: it turned out to be a cat.

“Wow, does the male **** have a cat at home?”

“Hey, the male **** doesn’t want to see his handsome photos, but can he show us the cute photos of his cat so that we can feast our eyes on him?”

 A fan made a suggestion, and the following messages appeared: I second the suggestion!

Ye Youwei was so nervous that his body became hot and his forehead sweated, and he kept waving at Ye Xichen.

Bai Nennen's hand was shaking in front of him, and Ye Xichen's eyes shifted slightly, falling on her pink ears, and the smile in her eyes was even worse.

He left the keyboard with his left hand, went to the side and grabbed Ye Weiwei's shaking little hand, held it in his palm and kneaded it gently. He held the mouse in his right hand and clicked twice on the screen. He said to Mai, "Cat is shy. "

 The fans watching in the live broadcast room are excited again!

 “This cat is so happy!! He can actually watch the live broadcast of Ye Shen in person.”

“Yakami loves cats, right? The cat must have hit the table and made a noise just now. Yagami flicked the mouse and said ‘be careful’ to the cat. He must be a cat pet expert!”

“Yakami has never mentioned things that have nothing to do with games before, and today he explained to us that cats are shy. Although the shyness of cats is fake, Yagami’s tone is too gentle!”

 “It’s like coaxing a little lover!”

 The content on the screen is getting richer and richer. Some compare cats to little lovers, some give cats as gifts, and some say that you can place an order immediately to buy a cat cosplay costume and come back to wear it to support the Y.L team...

There were more and more words on the court, and Ye Weiwei had long lost the face to look at them. He lay on the cushion and covered his face.

 She put her hands on the carpet to hide from the camera.

Ye Xichen turned off the live broadcast, knelt down and pinched her ears, which were still red.

 “Oh, my kitten has become a sperm.”

  The person who was pretending to be a cat was exposed. There is a lot of ridicule in this statement.

 Ye Weiwei hasn’t realized how…cute his behavior is.

 “Brother Chen, you are still teasing me!” She raised her head.

Ye Xichen had no intention of opening up the topic, but deliberately joked, "Now you know how to call someone? I didn't ask you to hold it in just now. Who insisted on imitating a cat's meow?"

"I don't want to either! I'm afraid of disturbing you." Ye Weiyi confidently made a statement for his own sanity.

Ye Xichen moved his fingers and gave her a chestnut on her head, "Stupid."

 “I’m not stupid, look at me pretending to meow like a cat, and no one among them suspects it!”

“I mean, if it’s you, it’s not an intrusion.”

The unexpected flirty words are just a critical hit at the right place! !

Ye Weiwei got up from the carpet, held his fingers slightly open beside his two dimples, and blinked at Ye Xichen, "Meow meow meow~"

Meow meow meow. You are so cute! Please remember the cat meme, you know it



 (End of this chapter)

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