My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 127: The first step to changing your body shape

Chapter 127 The first step to changing your body shape

Nangong Luo turned to stone the moment he opened the door.

Meow meow meow? Is this a new... fun?

Ye Xichen didn't care much about this and took Ye Weiwei's hand calmly, "Let's go, I'll take you to meet someone."


Ye Xichen was silent for a moment and decided to let it slip, "We'll find out when we get there."

 Ye Youwei was still looking forward to it at first, until she saw the tall and strong uncle wearing a Taekwondo uniform...

Ye Xichen, the only traceless person in the night, took a step away, his throat rolling.

The man was very tall and strong. According to the "macho" image Gong Qianli had given her, he probably had eight-pack abs.

To be honest, she felt an inexplicable fear of this kind of person.

"What are you thinking about?" Ye Xichen gently pressed her forehead to bring her back to consciousness.

Ye Weiwei shook his head and said nothing.

At this moment, a relaxed and cheerful laughter came, "Ah ha ha ha, my friends, you are finally here."

The man waved his fan and strode towards the "macho man", and slapped the macho man on his strong chest. Ye Weiwei was dumbfounded.

That man has delicate features, but he is dressed in men's clothing. If you look closely, you can see that he has no Adam's apple.

What was even more amazing was that she heard the strong man bend down and shout respectfully: "Master!"

“…” This is not the big boss in her mind, he is turning into a little sheep in a matter of seconds!

Ye Xichen lowered his head and whispered in Ye Weiyi's ear: "Her name is Shirley."

 Shirley? It's obviously a female name.

Over there, Nangong Luo smiled coquettishly with Shirley with a baby face.

"Luo, why are you tall but not face-like? You act like a brat."

“Teacher Shirley, I haven’t seen you for a long time and your ability to pretend to be a man is getting better and better.”

  The two of them were quarreling with each other, not caring about the age difference at all. In fact, this Shirley was already thirty years old.

While Nangong Luo was busy greeting her, Ye Weiwei had already gotten a lot of information from Ye Xichen.

Shirley is thirty years old. She has been raised as a boy because of her wild temper since she was a child. As she grows older, she becomes taller and stronger. Her clothes and even her voice are on the road to becoming masculine forever.

Shirley is a master of Taekwondo. She also learned other martial arts. In particular, she developed a set of "women's self-defense techniques" that have a profound impact on the international community.

 Shirley has some connections with Nangong Luo's family, so Nangong Luo introduced her to her this time.

“But, why did you bring me here?”

“From now on, you will learn from Shirley her own self-defense skills for women.”

 Ye's only instant reaction: "Brother Chen, do you want me to learn to fight?"

Ye Xichen turned to look at her with an "are you kidding me" look and said, "Exercise."

 At the end, add another sentence: "I don't expect your little arms and legs to be able to fight."

Ye's only subconscious retort: ​​"I will grow up!"

Ye Xichen lowered his eyes, his eyes fell on her breasts, and he said "oh" meaningfully.

Ye Weiwei suddenly turned red with embarrassment.

 The apprenticeship process went smoothly. Although Shirley was a little older, she had a cheerful personality and was easy to get along with. There was no generation gap.

Ye Weiwei called out "teacher", but Shirley insisted that she change her name to master.

She obediently called "Master", and the sweet voice was indescribable.

But then, what was even more wonderful was that the strong man walked up to him in two or three steps and shouted forcefully: "Little Junior Sister!"

 The only person shivering in the night.

Apprenticeship is closely related to the change in Xiao Lingdang’s figure ovo What kind of figure do you hope Xiao Lingdang will be in the future?



 (End of this chapter)

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