My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 128: Caught cheating on exam

Chapter 128: Caught cheating on exam

Since Ye Weiwei said that she worked part-time outside her family from an ordinary family, An Ruan has shown great interest in her part-time job and her "brother".

“What about your brother? Does your brother usually work part-time?”

"My brother... forget it." Ye Xichen often goes to the company to deal with the Ye family's affairs, and he also gets his corresponding reward every month. Is it considered a part-time job?

An Ruan begged Ye Weiwei to take her to see a part-time job, but how could she bring An Ruan to the bar...

 In the end, we can only refuse with various excuses.


 After training that day, Ye Weiyi, who was wearing a Taekwondo uniform, lay back on the ground.

  She is now a member of the VIP card of the "Night" bar, and she comes here by herself after school every day, and Shirley will be waiting for her to train here.

“Master, can I take temporary leave tomorrow and the day after tomorrow?”

 “What’s the matter?”

Ye Weiwei rubbed his hands and said, "The midterm exam is coming soon in our school, and I want to review for two days."

That's right, although Ye Weiwei has only been in No. 2 Middle School for two weeks, she is a transfer student who came in mid-term. It is already time for the midterm exam, and she also has to take it.

"Ji..." Shirley drank the last sip of milk tea and ignored the little girl's expectant eyes, directly rejecting her request.

“Such a small thing is not enough reason to delay training.”

Sulli is usually approachable, but she is never ambiguous when training. She will not be soft-hearted at all if you have to endure hardships.

 Ye Weiwei silently put away all his words.

Originally she planned to go home and wash up, then stay up late and read for two hours, but as soon as she touched the big soft bed, she squinted and fell asleep.

 During the exam, I felt a little panicked for no reason...

Although she studied hard at "Xingyao" College, her grades could not improve. She would become distracted during class, as if she was not meant to study.

 This is my first exam in No. 2 Middle School, and I don’t know what the results will be.

Ye Weiwei didn't have any old grades at school, so the teacher randomly inserted her into an examination room, and by chance she sat next to An Ruan.

An Ruan seemed very happy, "Xiao Li, we are so destined that we can be classmates in the exam."

“Hmm, I feel a lot more at ease when I see you.”

An Ruan comforted him smoothly, "Don't be nervous, it's just a midterm exam."

When the exam began, the invigilator asked them to hand over all electronic tools and books to the podium. Ye Weiwei obediently handed over his mobile phone without leaving any small notes.

 She has always been a good student and never cheated.

 But at the end of the exam, there were some subtle sounds in the classroom.

 The people behind her were still poking her back, asking for answers, which made Ye Weiyi feel restless.

Seeing the time passing by, the blank questions that she couldn't solve were an eyesore on the paper.

Just when she was about to write randomly, someone knocked on her desk.

 Looking up, she didn't know when the invigilator walked next to her.

 I saw the invigilator bending down and picking up a ball of white paper from her desk.

“Classmate, what’s going on with this note?”

The invigilator unfolded it with a dark face, and there were answers written on it with a black pen.

 Ye Weiwei quickly explained that it had nothing to do with him.

The invigilator didn't listen and just picked up her paper and compared it. The two answers on the paper happened to be the only two big questions that were left unanswered that night.

The invigilator couldn't help but take out a red pen and write the word "cheating" on her paper.

 An Ruan suddenly stood up, "Teacher, I have something to say!"

Guess, An Ruan wants to help Xiao Lingdang or frame Xiao Lingdang?



 (End of this chapter)

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