My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 129: An Ruan is very kind to her

Chapter 129 An Ruan is particularly nice to her

When the invigilator decided that Ye Weiwei had cheated, but she could not provide evidence to prove her innocence, An Ruan suddenly raised her hands and stood up.

 “This classmate, what do you want to say?”

 “I vouch for her, she did not cheat.”

"There was no cheating? What's going on on that note? Could it be that the student knew the answer and ran to her desk because he couldn't solve those two questions?" The invigilator's sarcastic tone was very unpleasant.

Ye Weiyiye stood up and retorted, "Teacher, if I was cheating, why would I leave the note here for you to find out?"

"It means you haven't come to pick it up yet!" The invigilator seemed to think that she had cheated, and he must put this "violation" hat on her head.

At this time, An Ruan called the teacher again and testified for Ye Weiwei under pressure, "She really didn't cheat. I saw it with my own eyes. It was the classmate behind her who threw it in front of her."

An Ruan's sworn explanation, and even the fact that he did not hesitate to offend others to testify for her, made Ye Weiwei feel inexplicably warm.

The classmate at the back table was obviously guilty, but he refused to admit it at first.

Ye Weiwei took a deep breath and looked directly into the eyes of the invigilator, "If the teacher is suspicious, you can compare it with his paper."

An Ruan raised his eyebrows. Unexpectedly, he was the only one who usually looked stupid that night. He also reacted very quickly at critical moments and knew how to follow the clues to find the truth.

Having said that, the invigilator picked up the paper of the classmate at the table behind her and compared it. Sure enough, it was exactly the same as the answer on the paper, even the wrong numbers and symbols were the same.

When the truth came to light, the invigilator returned Ye's only paper, and after telling him to "take the exam well," he wrote the word "cheating" with a red ballpoint pen on the paper of the classmate at the back table.

 Ye Weiwei continued to answer questions, feeling a little uncomfortable in his stomach from time to time, and he couldn't calm down.

 As for the last two questions, I just substituted two formulas at will. When the time is up, I hand in the paper forcibly.

 After the exam ended, the classmates at the back table stopped her and refused to let her leave.

“Qiao Li, I help you out of kindness, but you repay kindness with enmity!”

"But I never said I wanted you to help me cheat." Ye Weiyi refuted his hypocrisy without hesitation.

 It was this classmate who kept disturbing her from behind, which made her feel irritable, and threw out answers casually without asking her if she needed them, which almost got her into big trouble.

“Yes, you cheated and wanted to hook up with Xiao Ling, you should feel guilty!”

An Ruan stood on Ye Weiwei's side. In the end, the classmate couldn't bear the surprised looks from others and left angrily.

 “Xiao Li, let’s go.”

An Ruan held Ye Weiwei's hand, but she suddenly sat down.

Ye Weiwei was a little embarrassed, "Ruan Ruan, can you help me?"

"What's wrong?"

 “My...aunt is here.”

Girls know this, so An Ruan quickly borrowed a sanitary napkin for her.

Ye Weiwei went to the toilet to change, but did not see An Ruan when he came back.

An Ruan finally came back when there were five minutes left for the next exam. She put a cup on Ye Weiyi's table and said, "This is the brown sugar I just ran down to buy. I soaked it in boiling water. If your stomach hurts, just drink it." ”

Ye Weiwei was very grateful. Thinking of the lies she had told before, she felt ashamed in front of An Ruan who was devoted to her.

 “Ruan Ruan, thank you! That’s so kind of you!”

 An Ruan lowered his eyes after hearing this, and the corners of his mouth curved, "We are friends."

   You all say An Ruan is a bad person



 (End of this chapter)

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