My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1255: Personally admitted that Yu'er is Nangong Luo's daughter

Chapter 1255: Personally admitted that Yu’er is Nangong Luo’s daughter

 “You ask Liuli to come see me.”

When the old man said this, his eyes fell on Zhong Yun who was standing in the corner.

Nangong Luo lowered his head and said, "Grandpa, I'm sorry."

Nangong Luo has already understood what the old man said just now, and the old man already knows the truth.

 He woke up and now knew that his nominal wife was not Liuli but Zhongyun.

 The old man closed his eyes and didn't want to look at them anymore.

"I remember... your wife's name is Zhong Yun, and your daughter's name is Nangong Yu." Just after being stimulated by Zhong Yun and fainting, the old man's consciousness gradually became clearer.

He remembered that the woman who married Nangong Luo was Zhong Yun, and also remembered that the granddaughter who once disliked him was called Yu'er, not Yu'er.

“Then why did Liuli come? Who is Yuer?”

Nangong Luo couldn't answer this question.

Mrs. Nangong deliberately interrupted, "Dad, you need to have a good rest now. Let's talk about these annoying things later."

"I have lived enough these years, dragging this broken body and I don't know why I am alive. I wanted to see Luoer get married and start a business, and he did it. Later, I wanted to see more of my granddaughter."

 As people get older, they have less ambition for the family business.

Now that Nangong Luo has kept the Nangong family's affairs in order, the old man no longer cares about family affairs, he just thinks about his children being happy.

 But it was only now that he realized that everything he wanted now was what he didn't want to see.

Seeing this, Mrs. Nangong couldn't deceive her, so she could only follow the old man's words and said: "Dad, if you miss your granddaughter, I will ask someone to send Yu'er here."

 There is no other way she can do it.

 But the old man shook his head and rejected the proposal, "My granddaughter dislikes me as a bad old man and doesn't want to get close to me... What's the point of calling her over."

 It's not like stabbing a knife into his heart.

The atmosphere in the room was too subtle. Even if Mrs. Nangong and Nangong Luo knew more of the truth, they would not dare to add fuel to the fire at this time.

 But the old man insisted on knowing one thing.

 “Cough cough cough.”

"Luo'er and Liuli are separated, but Liuli wants to help you deceive me. Where does that Yu'er child come from?"

At the beginning, the old man wanted Gong Qianli to marry him. Now he knows that it is impossible, but he still has some unforgettable obsession.

 In addition, Yu'er's appearance a few days ago brought him too many good times and memories, and he still remembered Yu'er freshly.

 When a person is about to die, his obsession is deep in his bones.

As everyone knows, "Yu'er is Gong Qianli's daughter by someone else." But how can you say this at this moment?

Zhong Yun suddenly stepped forward and said, "Grandpa, Yu'er is naturally Miss Gong's biological daughter."

 The business spread so fast that no one could stop her.

The old man seemed to understand, "Liu Li, is she with someone else?"

Nangong Luo tried to force Zhong Yun away, but the old man forcefully told her to continue.

Mrs. Nangong and Nangong Luo gave Zhong Yun explicit hints at the same time, but Zhong Yun knew that her fate with Nangong Luo was destined, so she had no scruples!

“Yes, Grandpa’s most satisfactory candidate for his grandson’s daughter-in-law has given birth to a daughter with someone else. She and Luo are no longer possible.”

"" The already fluctuating emotions were stimulated, and the old man actually spurted out a mouthful of blood.


 The door was pushed open again.

Gong Qianli appeared in everyone's sight with her daughter.

She glanced at everyone in the room and suddenly said:

 “Yu’er is Nangong Luo’s daughter.”

 (End of this chapter)

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