My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1256: In the end, I lost that game of chess.

Chapter 1256 I lost the game of chess after all

 The whole place was silent.

Even Xiao Yu'er stared at Gong Qianli with curiosity, because this was something that even she didn't know about.

Mrs. Nangong stared at the mother and daughter closely, "This..."

Zhong Yun's proud smile froze on her face, "Miss Gong really dares to say any nonsense. Don't forget that I am Luo's wife. Are you trying to provoke me in person?"

 “Cough cough cough…”

“What did you just say?” In an instant, Nangong Luo was standing beside Gong Qianli and held her hand tightly.

Gong Qianli could clearly feel that his hands were shaking.

 The moment their eyes met, Gong Qianli pursed her lips guiltily and rolled her eyes.

Well, actually her hands were shaking a lot.

Just now, she heard Zhong Yun’s words deliberately irritating the old man outside the door. She wished she could kick down the door and rush in to give Zhong Yun a slap in the face to wake her up!

At that time, Xiao Yu'er held her hand and said, "Mommy, why do everyone ask Yu'er whose child it is?"

“Mommy, what do you mean you are with someone else?”

“Mommy, I heard my grandpa coughing.” Xiao Yuer reached out and turned the door lock.

I happened to hear Zhong Yun’s words at that time, “My grandpa’s most satisfactory candidate for his grandson’s daughter-in-law has a daughter with someone else. She and Luo are no longer possible.”

At that time, she couldn't help but push the door open and shouted those words at one go.


 The current situation is a consequence that she did not expect.

Gong Qianli scratched her head, feeling a little uncomfortable being stared at by people in the room.

 “Cough cough cough.” The old man’s painful cough attracted their attention.

Gong Qianli pushed Nangong Luo's hand, and when she raised her eyes, she saw a very complicated look in his eyes. Was it confusion? Or seems to be a kind of decadence that gives up on yourself?

Nangong Luo's low voice came to his ears, "Grandpa already knows that we deceived him, you don't need to help hide it anymore."

 At this point, Nangong Luo had already let go of her hand.

Gong Qianli suddenly understood that her previous surprise was because these words were too sudden, and then everyone thought that her words were meant to comfort the old man.

Mr. Nangong, who was lying on the bed, stretched out his hand tremblingly in the direction where Gong Qianli and Xiao Yuer were standing, and lightly hooked his fingers to signal them to come over.

Xiao Yuer ran to the bed and shouted in a clear voice: "Grandpa."

When the old man heard this voice, rare joy seemed to appear on his wrinkled face.

 “Is great-grandpa sick?”

The old man coaxed her and said, "Grandpa is fine."

 Xiao Yu'er shook her head, obviously not believing it.

“Grandpa, you have a cough. A cough is a cold, so you need an injection!” Xiao Yuer said seriously, as if she thought her analysis made sense.

Gong Qianli touched her daughter's head, squatted beside the bed facing the old man, and called "Grandpa" affectionately.

"Liu Li girl..." The old man opened his mouth, and this statement seemed to bring her back to the past.

 The old man who used to be serious but doted on her is now very old.

  Tears flowed down uncontrollably, blurring the vision of his eyes.

 “Grandpa, I’m here.”

"I already know about you and Luo'er. Some time ago, grandpa was an old fool."

Gong Qianli held the old man's hand, choked with sobs and unable to speak. She just kept shaking her head.

“Ahem.” The old man asked, “Do you still remember the game of chess we played?”

They, the old and the young, had fought countless times on the chessboard, but there was only one time that stood out in their memory. Gong Qianli nodded, "I remember."

“I lost that game after all.”

 (End of this chapter)

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