My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1257: The old man passed away, and the truth about Yu'er's life experience was re

Chapter 1257 The old man passed away and the truth about Yu’er’s life experience was exposed

Memories came flooding back to her, and Gong Qianli burst into tears.

“Girl Liuli, how about we have a gamble?”

 “Okay, what does grandpa want to bet on?”

“You win, you can make whatever demands you want; you lose…”

 “What if I lose?”

“If you lose, you might as well marry into my Nangong family and become my granddaughter-in-law! Haha!”

 At the turned out that there were so many beautiful pasts and happiness. She recognized her feelings clearly and deliberately lost the game to the old man, but she didn't know why it turned into the current situation.

 The old man has made achievements in his life, received honors, and has a happy family. The only regret was that he always hoped that his grandson would be happy. At this time, he was obsessed with it, "I lost that game of chess."

Gong Qianli cried and denied, "No, grandpa didn't lose, he didn't lose."

She pulled Xiao Yu'er to her side, looked into the old man's eyes, and told him clearly, "Yu'er, Yu'er is your great-granddaughter. If I don't mean to make you happy, it's true, it's true! I'm not lying. you."

While she was crying and explaining, a heavy weight fell on her shoulders.

Nangong Luo looked at her in surprise, "What was the original bet? What happened to Yu'er?"

If they had really been together, he would definitely find out as soon as Xiao Yuer appeared, but there was no trace of being together in his memory, so he never doubted it.

The way Gong Qianli spoke just now was definitely not a lie, but why was there no impression in his memory at all?

Gong Qianli raised her eyes blurred by tears and stared at him, finally telling the secret that she had hidden for four years.

“The bet in that chess game is that if I lose, I will marry you.”

 “Then why did you do it in the first place?”

 “It was me who lost that round on purpose.”

  Losing on purpose represents her choice and intention.

With tears in her eyes, Gong Qianli continued, "Grandpa was ill at that time, and your status in the company was questioned, so you went to Hong Kong to handle a big business. I once went to find you, Yu'er... Yu'er was also at that time some."

This time, in front of the old man's hospital bed, she finally told the truth about that year.

 In order to make the old man feel relieved, he finally opened the shackles in his heart.

Nangong Luo hugged her tightly excitedly.

The old man finally felt at ease knowing that everything was fine. He looked in the direction of Xiao Yu'er and said three words in a row.

 “Okay, okay, okay…”

The old man used his last strength to say three good words in a row, and slowly closed his eyes.




Gong Qianli, Nangong Luo and Mrs. Nangong called for the old man in unison, but the old man who had fulfilled his wish will sleep forever.

 The whole family was immersed in sorrow, and the whole room seemed to be shrouded in a dark cloud.

Zhong Yun, who overheard the truth, quietly escaped from the room when no one was paying attention.

Xiao Yu'er next to her felt the sadness of the adult, and seemed to know that something bad had happened to the old man, so she burst into tears.

 “Grandpa, don’t sleep.”

“Grandpa, get up and listen to Yu’er telling you a story.”

Gong Qianli was crying out of breath at the bedside, "Grandpa, you don't keep your words. You said you would let Liuli fulfill her promise. You said you wanted to see Yu'er grow up safely and happily, but you have forgotten …"

 (End of this chapter)

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