My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1259: Grandma and Dad fall in love with someone else

Chapter 1259 Grandma and Dad fall in love with someone else

Nangong Yu, who still didn't know the truth, started to make fun of Zhong Yun again.

Zhong Yun was already irritable, but after a few words of coaxing, she didn't obey, so she directly yelled at her, "Why are you yelling! That's not your home, and we can't go back!"

Nangong Yu was suddenly frightened by Zhong Yun's momentum.

“Humph!” Zhong Yun snorted and glanced away. Nangong Yu tugged her hand, her voice was softer than before, “Mommy, don’t be angry.”

 Zhong Yun did not answer.

Nangong Yu still couldn't help but speak, "I want to see grandma and meet dad."

The strong child suddenly became cautious, and Zhong Yun came to her senses and felt sorry for her daughter.

Pushing her daughter into her arms, Zhong Yun told her with her eyes closed, "Yu'er, you won't have a grandma and a father anymore."

 One wrong move and the whole game is lost.

She now knows that Nangong Luo has been giving her time to prepare and does not need her to agree to the divorce at all. But she defeated the old man out of anger, and Nangong Luo would never care about her face again.

No matter what tricks she uses, the Nangong family will never accept her again.

 It's just that Zhong Yun can understand these things, but Nangong Yu can't.

Although grandma has locked her in her room recently, she still dotes on her most of the time and buys her whatever she wants.

Although her father doesn't pay much attention to her, she doesn't want others to take her father away!

Nangong Luo has always had these people around her, so she can't understand the concept of "nothing".

 “Why are there no grandma and dad? Grandma still wants to buy me snacks!”

“Because your grandma and dad already like someone else.”

Nangong Yu immediately thought, "Is it the bad woman and Yu'er from last time?"

Zhong Yun nodded, "Yes..."

“Bad guys! Beat them to death!” Nangong Yu roared with claws and teeth, a sharp look in his eyes as if he were robbing food.

Zhong Yun hugged her daughter and touched her head, "Don't worry, mommy won't make it easy for anyone who has bullied Yu'er."

As a mother, Zhong Yun also wants to protect her daughter, and she also wants to protect and teach her daughter well, but she doesn't know that a child's growth is mostly affected by the living environment and family behavior.

  When she did things with hatred, Nangong Yu also followed suit.



“Yu’er, do you want to eat a small cake? Grandma specially sent someone to buy it from the best dessert shop in S city.”

“Yu’er, do you like this pink dress?”

“Last time I saw your schoolbag was stained by a paintbrush, grandma bought you a new one.”

 The above are all Mrs. Nangong’s daily operations in recent days.

 Ever since she found out that Xiao Yu'er was her biological granddaughter, Mrs. Nangong's love for her has increased several times, and she almost wants to hold her up to the sky like a princess.

  She takes great care of her in every aspect and goes to the kindergarten to pick her up every day, even though...

Although these things happened because Mrs. Nangong deliberately got involved.

Gong Qianli told the truth that day in front of the old man's hospital bed, and also showed her heart.

Originally, the sadness will be followed by a happy situation, but I didn’t expect that Gong Qianli’s soft-heartedness was only for the old man...

She even said, "The reason why I told the truth that day was that I didn't want my grandpa to leave with regrets, but I am very satisfied with my current life and don't want to change it."

Gong Qianli has this attitude. As the most obedient daughter, Xiao Yuer naturally sides with her mother.

 (End of this chapter)

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