My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1260: Chasing Wife Crematorium

Chapter 1260 Chasing Wife Crematorium

 “Ouch, mom, please let go, it hurts!”

The current scene was happening in the Nangong family. Nangong Luo was grabbed by Mrs. Nangong's ears and warned, "It hurts. You still know it hurts. If you can't coax my daughter-in-law and granddaughter back, you don't have to go home again!"

 “Mom, I want it too.”

“Think, what’s the use of just thinking? You should chase after me!”

From the past to the present, Mrs. Nangong has always worried about her son’s emotional affairs.

Now that the truth has finally been revealed, but her granddaughter does not yet belong to their Nangong family, Mrs. Nangong is really anxious.

The more I look at my son, the more useless I feel.

“You don’t even know you have a daughter, so what’s the use of saying you’re living in a daze all day long!”

 “I really have no memory.”

"You slept with someone else's girl, then turned around and forgot about it. You couldn't catch up with the person you liked, and you even used the good card to raise someone else's daughter. No wonder Liuli left in the first place. I think she was probably angry with you. "

 “Okay, okay, I really know I’m wrong.”

“You know you’re wrong, why don’t you chase after it quickly?”

“Mom, it’s not that I’m not in a hurry. I want to chase Liuli and recognize my daughter more than anyone else. I’m planning on it.”

Nangong Luo had already sent people to investigate the original incident, and it turned out that the wine he drank that night had sealed his memory.

 Actually, sometimes he would have some memory fragments in his midnight dreams, but he thought they were dreams created by his inner desires.

After knowing the truth, he really wanted to hit his head with a brick!

 If he had known these things at the beginning, he would have kept Gong Qianli by his side no matter what.

It’s too late to regret it, but there is still time and he still has a chance!

Gong Qianli has a tough personality. He cannot be too direct and must use a roundabout strategy.

 First, attack the people around her.


 A woman’s female best friends are very important. Nangong Luo first bribed the four members of the Ye family. The only thing Ye Xichen and Ye didn't have to say was support. As for the Ye family brothers and sisters, it was easier to win over them, especially when they heard that Xiao Yu'er could be their little sister. There were a hundred and a thousand people who were willing to help. .

With his friends turning his back on him, Ye Weiwei constantly refreshes his sense of presence every time he mentions Nangong Luo in front of Gong Qianli, intentionally or unintentionally.


Nangong Luo had won over his cousin Gong Qianyu four years ago. This time, he asked people to search all over the place to find gifts that suit the two elders of the Gong family, and personally visited them to ask for forgiveness.

The first time Nangong Luo came suddenly, the servant did not stop him. After entering the gate and seeing the person, he was given an expulsion order before even saying a word.

The next day he went to bring the gift again, but this time he couldn't even get through the gate. Not only was there someone guarding him, but a dog barked at him.

Nangong Luo put down the gifts and brought new gifts on the third day. He found that yesterday's gifts had been cold on the ground for a whole day and night.

He persisted and asked Gong Qianyu to bring the gift in. The two elders did not know it was a gift from Nangong Luo at first. They were very happy when they opened it. Later, they realized it was a gift from Nangong Luo. They were unwilling to accept it, but they liked it very much. …

“Qianyu, why are you taking other people’s things?” The two old men wanted to save face and asked Gong Qianyu righteously, but they were not willing to put down the things in their hands.

Gong Qianyu kept Nangong Luo's instructions in mind and said all the good things for him in front of the two of them, "Uncle and aunt, this is all Brother Luo's intention. It was specially prepared for you two elders. It is not considered as random taking."

The Gong family's parents looked at each other and exchanged tangled eyes for a while. They put down their things together, "Well, if anyone wants his things, take them out and return them to him. We are not familiar with each other!"

 (End of this chapter)

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