My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1261: I will never want to be with my daughter in this life.

Chapter 1261: Never want to be with my daughter in this life

“Uncle and aunt, you don’t want this good thing for free, what are you doing?”

"We know his intention to pursue my daughter, let him give up this intention as soon as possible!"

The gift from Nangong Luo was finally taken back.

Nangong Luo, who was standing outside waiting for the results, had a look of disappointment on his face.

Gong Qianyu comforted her with a few words, "Brother Luo, my uncle and aunt just care too much about my sister and don't want my sister to be wronged in the slightest. If you want to start with them, I'm afraid it will be difficult."

Gong Qianyu even wanted to persuade him to give up temporarily and come back later.

 Ke Nangongluo rejected his suggestion.

"This kind of thing cannot be solved by delaying it deliberately. Everything I am doing now is to show my determination. I want to marry their daughter."

"But I think it's better for you to coax my sister back first. If my sister chooses you, my uncle and aunt won't be able to stop her, and she will definitely agree to it."

"I feel sorry for them in this matter. I want to get their fulfillment and not be forced to do so because Liuli insists on being with me. No matter whether the two elders are willing to forgive me or not, I will never give up my feelings for Liuli."

 The relationship between him and Liuli's elders is different from other people.

 Some couples who are not blessed by their families will do things to force their families to accept them, but he knows very well that the elders of the Gong family also wanted him to be with Liuli.

His knowledge of Gong's elders is not just because they are Gong Qianli's parents, so he cares about their feelings.

When Nangong Luo came to deliver gifts for the fourth time, he happened to bump into the two elders of the Gong family who were returning home.

Nangong Luo thought it was an opportunity, but he didn’t want to be scolded by the second elder. “Let me tell you, we will never forgive you! You will never want to be with my daughter in this life.”

“Uncle, I am here to beg you for forgiveness from the bottom of my heart.”

Nangong Luo knew he was wrong. After all, in the minds of the two elders, Nangong Luo slept with their precious daughter without taking responsibility, and made Liuli sad and went abroad, where she stayed for four years.

The second elder couldn't bear to blame his daughter, so of course he vented his anger on Nangong Luo.

Mr. Gong said harshly this time, "You are causing trouble to us just by showing up here. If you leave, our Gong family will not welcome you!"

Nangong Luo bowed deeply to the two elders, put down the gifts as usual, and turned to leave.

As if to show that he would never accept him, Mr. Gong kicked the gift to the ground.

 Gifts were delivered to Gong's door every day since then, but Nangong Luo did not appear again.

Of course, Nangong Luo is not idle either.

 He is busy!

Now Nangong Luo goes to the company early every morning, and gets off work early in the afternoon.

The secretary found out that her boss's work and rest time had changed, and felt a little curious, "Mr. Luo, why have you changed your work and rest time recently?"

The man who was standing in front of the mirror, tying his bow tie, looked left and right in the mirror, and replied casually: "Pick up my daughter from school."

The secretary couldn't help showing surprise.

 Because of the memory of the secretary, Nangong Luo clearly doesn't care about his daughter? I still remember one time Zhong Yun's call came to the office landline, and he answered it. Hearing that the boss's daughter was sick, he was anxious to report it, but after hearing this, Nangong Luo wasn't worried at all, and still finished his work before slowly waiting for get off work.

Later, he paid more attention and discovered from the details that his boss didn't seem to care much about his wife and daughter.

"Picking up your daughter from school" has never happened before, okay?

"You are going to pick up Nangong Yuxiao... no..." He suddenly remembered!

 (End of this chapter)

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