My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1263: My daughter is too smart, and my father feels miserable!

Chapter 1263: My daughter is too smart, and my father feels miserable!

Nangong Luo raised his head and looked in the direction of Xiao Yu'er, just in time to catch Xiao Yu'er lowering her head and drawing deliberately.

Nangong Luo knew what she was thinking: Xiao Yuer must have been staring at him just now!

Nangong Luo slowly walked towards Xiao Yu'er, walked to her table, and found that half of her painting was completed.

 Xiao Yuer's paintings are very simple, with bright colors and clear images.

 Big trees and houses, as well as adults and children standing among the flowers.

This painting looks familiar...

In order to find a topic to talk to her daughter, Nangong Luo asked, "Xiao Yu'er, what are you drawing?"

Unexpectedly, Xiao Yuer also deliberately perfunctory him, so she said two words: "Huahua."

 What to draw?


 Does this mean the same thing?

I don’t know if Xiao Yuer deliberately misinterpreted it or if she really didn’t understand.

Seeing Xiao Yuer paint an author's character under the eaves with gray hair, Nangong Luo suddenly remembered that he had seen a painting when he was packing up his grandfather's belongings.

There is an old man under the eaves, and among the flowers there is a man and a woman holding the hand of a little girl. The whole picture is full of warmth and tranquility, as well as happiness and joy.

 Looking at Xiao Yu'er's painting now, it's the same as that painting.

 The difference is that in this picture, there is only one mother beside the little girl, while the other half is blank except for an obvious position.

It’s not that Xiao Yu’er can’t draw, it’s just that she’s unwilling to draw.

Nangong Luo suddenly understood!

He deliberately asked Xiao Yu'er: "Xiao Yu'er, does it seem a little unharmonious to have so much space next to the little girl in the painting?"

Xiao Yuer raised her head, tilted her head and asked two words, "Is there any?"

Nangong Luo: “…”

 The daughter is too smart, and the father feels miserable!

 Looking at Xiao Yu'er's questions being so serious and her eyes so innocent, Nangong Luo knew that she did it on purpose.

Nangong Luo, who wants to rise to the top, will never give up easily.

He was so shameless that he even coaxed his daughter into painting his own!

“Xiao Yu’er, look, generally speaking, a child should have a father and a mother next to him, so that he looks good.”

 “But Yu’er doesn’t have a father.”

"You have it!" Nangong Luo said two words firmly, and at the same time he pointed his finger at himself and poked his heart, "Xiao Yu'er, you will know how to draw just by looking at me."

As expected, Xiao Yuer raised her head and stared at him carefully, as if she was observing and thinking seriously.

Just when Nangong Luo thought his plan had succeeded, Xiao Yu'er shook her head and closed the picture book.

Nangong Luo’s heart: “!!”

“Xiao Yu’er, your paintbrush is so beautiful. Did your mommy buy it for you?”

Xiao Yuer explained: "It belongs to a classmate."

 Because she changed into a schoolbag when she went out today and accidentally left her paintbrush at home, other children lent her a box.

“…” Nangong Luo tried hard to keep the smile on his face.

“Tomorrow, ask your classmates where they bought it. Daddy will give you a box. No, I’ll give you a few more boxes. You can choose.”

 “There is a box at Yu’er’s house.”

   …"Why didn't I know that a three-year-old child could speak so sharply before?

“I just heard from your sister Ruo that you want to go to a dessert shop to buy cakes, right? Daddy will take you there in a while.”

“The cake is for my classmates. Mommy bought it for me.”

“!!” Nangong Luo finally understood that his daughter did it on purpose.

But his daughter who was once so considerate suddenly rejected him, which really made him a little sad.

"Xiao Yu'er, do you... hate me?"

 (End of this chapter)

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