My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1264: he was left out

 Chapter 1264 He was left out

"Xiao Yu'er, do you... hate me?"

 The hand holding the paintbrush suddenly stopped moving.

Xiao Yuer looked down at the picture book lying on the table and remained silent.

 She didn't want to answer Nangong Luo's question.

 Originally, when Nangong Luo said that he wanted to be her father, she was full of joy and even looked forward to it, but when her mother revealed that Nangong Luo was her biological father, she felt uncomfortable.

 Others have fathers, how could she not be envious?

 But it turns out that her daddy has always been someone else's daddy, which makes her very unhappy!


A familiar shout came from the door. The father and daughter looked up at the same time and saw Gong Qianli standing at the door waving to her.

 “Mommy.” Xiao Yuer became happy as soon as she saw her. She immediately put away her brush and notebook, picked up her small schoolbag and left her seat.

Nangong Luo followed her leisurely and saw the little guy throwing himself into his mother's arms. He was very envious of the intimacy and tacit understanding.

“Liu Li, I just found a delicious restaurant recently. How about taking you and Yu’er to eat together?”

“No need, I have to take Yu’er back to Gong’s house to see my grandparents today.”

 “Okay, I’ll send you there.”

 “No, I drove over.”

 “Then… give me a ride?”


Nangong Luo has become more and more familiar with the shameless pursuit of his wife!

 In the past half month, as long as Xiao Yuer went to class, he came to the kindergarten to report, rain or shine, and regarded himself as Xiao Yuer's father.

He is good-looking, and he is willing to buy gifts for Xiao Yu'er's friends. His selfish intention is to bribe everyone to say good things for him, but almost all the children in the kindergarten are envious of Xiao Yu'er for having such a good father!

 Be sure to show your presence in front of Xiao Yu'er, and wait until Gong Qianli comes to take Xiao Yu'er home, then swipe your face card in front of Gong Qianli. In short, the spirit of perseverance is worth encouraging!

 Although he was rejected again and again, Nangong Luo became more and more courageous, just like today.

Even though Gong Qianli rejected his invitation and refused to see him off, he still rushed over. The excuse I made was, "I didn't drive here today, so just give me a ride."

As a result, as soon as the three of them walked to the parking area, Nangong Luonara's fancy luxury car was parked in an open space, visible at a glance.

Gong Qianli: “…”

However, Nangong Luo pretended not to see it and followed Gong Qianli's car.

“Yu’er, do you have anything interesting to share with mommy at school today?”


"tell me the story."

"Today the teacher took us to play a game, but Brother Feng lost. He was cheating..."

Gong Qianli often asks her daughter about what happened during the day, but her questions are very skillful. She is not forced to delve into the details, but allows Xiao Yuer to share voluntarily to understand her daughter's daily life.

 The communication between mother and daughter was a long-established method. Nangong Luo listened carefully, but couldn't get a word in.

When Xiao Yu'er said that Ye Qingfeng didn't accept punishment when he lost in games, Nangong Luo tried to intervene in the topic, "That boy Ye Qingfeng is usually too smart, and his cleverness is mistaken for his cleverness."

Gong Qianli: “…”

 Xiao Yuer: “…”

 Hearing what he said, neither mother nor daughter knew what to do.

Nangong Luo knew that he had affected the atmosphere, so he kept his mouth shut.

Midway, Gong Qianli "threw" the person down, "The road will fork ahead. Your home is on the other side, so walk slowly."

 (End of this chapter)

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