My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1273: Love letters collected by Ye Xichen

Chapter 1273 The love letter collected by Ye Xichen

“Oh? If you want to negotiate terms with me, you have to see if the amount of information you give is enough.”

Ye Qingfeng hooked her fingers at Chao Yewei, stood on tiptoes and pretended to be mysterious, telling her, "I found out that someone confessed to daddy."

“Isn’t this normal? Your daddy is so handsome, isn’t he?”

 “Mommy, you’re not jealous?”

“Well, if I get jealous even if someone hands me a love letter, then our whole family can switch to being jealous.”

Ye Qingfeng didn't expect that what he thought was the big news turned out to be so dull after Ye Weiwei found out about it.

 Ye Qingfeng scratched his head.

As a younger sister, Ye Zhiruo stepped forward and helped her brother to add: "It's a love letter and

 Audio confession Oh, Mommy. "


Ye Weiwei frowned, feeling something strange in his heart.

 Love letters and voices? Why does it feel like this is something she has done before?

Ye Qingfeng also remembered and added: "And it was collected by daddy."

"Uh..." Ye Weiyi had a bad premonition in his heart, and suddenly he understood what the love letters and voices said by the two children were about.

The people who have confessed to Ye Xichen in various ways have been since childhood, but if the love letters and voice messages are collected by Ye Xichen, then she is the only one.

 She is now a mother, how could she expose such childish things she did back then!

"This matter is a bit complicated. You also know that your daddy is too good and has too many suitors. Of course, love letters are not a problem, but it is not good to reject others in person, so I took it back and put it away casually. Stocked up..." She said a series of words, and finally her logic was confused.

“In short, children should not talk about the loss of adults at will, you know?”

“Whose child talks about love letters and relationships every day, you are a precocious child.”

 “It means I’m smart.”

 “Smart, smart, you don’t do your homework, Ang? Are you going to rebel?”

Ye Weiwei took a step toward him, frightening Ye Qingfeng so much that he ran away, "Mommy, I'm going to do my homework!"

The noisy monkey child left, leaving behind the well-behaved and quiet Ye Zhiruo. The atmosphere on the scene was much more harmonious!


 “What’s the matter, Mommy?”

“Tell mommy, how did you and your brother know about love letters and recordings?”

 “My brother told me.”

 “Then how did your brother know?”

Ye Zhiruo raised her index finger and made a small gesture beside her mouth, "Ruoruo can't betray my brother."

“Oh, I worked so hard to raise you so big, but I don’t even want to tell mommy the truth. What if your daddy really likes to receive love letters and abandons mommy in the end?”

 “Daddy can’t.”

“Then if you tell mommy where you hide the things, is that okay?”

"Well..." Ye Zhiruo really struggled for a while, and finally said: "It's in the middle of the first row, sixth row, of the third cabinet on the right side of the study."

“Wait a minute, speak slower, Mommy has forgotten.”

“In the middle of the first row, sixth row, of the third cabinet on the right side of the study.”

Ye Weiwei's academic performance was not very good at first, and he relied entirely on hard work to improve. Only now did he realize that his memory is not even comparable to that of a four-year-old child!

 After asking Ye Zhiruo about the location of the love letter, Ye Weiwei had a plan in mind.

 (End of this chapter)

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