My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1274: Gu Chengxi comes back to find Liuli

Chapter 1274 Gu Chengxi comes back to find Liuli

She ran outside Ye Xichen's study and secretly opened a small crack in the door.

Who knew that Ye Xichen's eyes were so sharp that he looked directly at her face to face.

Ye Weiwei quickly exited and kindly helped them close the door.

 Ye Weiwei stood in the corridor outside, thinking about the love letter until his heart ached.

The love letters she wrote and the recordings she read were all hidden by Ye Xichen. She always wanted to destroy them but couldn't find them. Because Ye Xichen's bookcase was too big, she never thought of searching there.

This time she finally knew the location of the love letter. She must find the right moment to find it and destroy it, so that Ye Xichen would not always have the dark history of her past in his hands!

 “Are you coming back this time or going to the hospital?”

“Well, I will completely take over the Gu family’s affairs this time.”

"Gu Li has changed a lot in the past few years since you were away. Now that you are back, the Gu family will be relieved."

 “The responsibilities of a family always need to be shouldered by someone.”

The reason Gu Chengxi seems to have no desires or desires is because even he himself doesn’t know what he cares about and what he wants.

 Although Gu Li is his biological brother from the same father and mother, their personalities are completely different.

Gu Li has an extroverted personality and usually seems to be indifferent, but when he really encounters something, he has his own opinions.

  After Gu Li took the exam, he went to join the army against the advice of his family. He said that his ambition was to become a real soldier.

Some people gave up medicine to pursue literature, but he gave up medicine and joined the army to live the life he wanted.

At that time, Gu Chengxi was abroad, and it seemed that in the end it was Gu Chengxi who helped to say something, and the Gu family really agreed to let Gu Li choose what he liked to do.

“Does your return this time have something to do with Liuli?”

“Chen, I don’t know when you became like Qiao Lian.”

 The implication is that he is still nosy.

Gu Chengxi's knife and mouth are sharper than anyone else, and a single word is equivalent to a slash.

 Fortunately, Ye Xichen has a strong psychological quality and has already become accustomed to the communication mode between the two.

 So he remained calm as usual.

And there is no need to answer in words, Gu Chengxi's reaction has already revealed his answer.

Ye Weiwei, who was close to the door, vaguely heard the two men mentioning Gong Qianli's affairs, and thought to himself, "This Gu Chengxi is definitely here for Liuli."

She ignored the matter of destroying the love letter and went downstairs to call Nangong Luo for warning.

"Gu Chengxi is at my house now. I heard them mention the name "Liu Li" in the study. Pay attention and speed up to get Liu Li!"

 “Don’t worry, it’s no problem!”

 What he will definitely win is...a matter of time.

Ye Weiwei made a new cup of tea upstairs, but Ye Xichen and Gu Chengxi had already walked out and went downstairs one after another.

“Hey, do you two want to eat anything? It’s almost dinner time, so I’m going to find someone to do it for you.”

"No thanks."

Gu Chengxi refused simply, nodded to the couple and left.

Ye Weiwei made a face at his back, "Who are you? You don't appreciate your kindness."

 “Okay, why are you still acting like a child?”

 “Are you mocking my naivety from the side?”

"No, no, my wife is not allowed to refute what she said." Ye Xichen put his arm around his wife's shoulders and was particularly happy to coax her.

“Then tell me what Gu Chengxi is doing when he comes back?”

 “Oh, look for Liuli.”

 (End of this chapter)

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