My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1280: In the story of three people, there is always one superfluous one

Chapter 1280 In the story of three people, there is always one superfluous one

 She was confused and at a loss when she first found out she was pregnant. As a doctor, Gu Chengxi soon noticed something strange about her and advised her not to keep the child.

She delayed again and again, Gu Chengxi persuaded her many times, and even took her directly to the hospital again.

It happened at that time that she made up her mind to keep the child, and that's when Yu'er was born.

From then on, she became even more wary of Gu Chengxi, but Gu Chengxi suddenly seemed to be relieved and did not mention the matter of asking her to abort the child again.

 She has been participating in training during that half-year, and her results in the later assessment were good.

 The training has just ended and she is about to give birth.

 After giving birth to Xiao Yu'er, she didn't know how to tell her relatives and friends about it, so she stayed abroad for four years.

 During the four years, apart from work, she devoted all her attention to Xiao Yu'er, and was careful not to mention anything about Xiao Yu'er to anyone.

The person she was least sure of was Gu Chengxi, but at that time, Gu Chengxi told her directly that he would not tell people in China about Xiao Yuer's affairs.

Gu Chengxi once clearly expressed his feelings to her. It was not some sweet words, but said: "You are very interesting and I like it very much."

 It was as if her character or the things she did just touched Gu Chengxi's heart and made him interested in her, so he wanted to get her.

However, Gu Chengxi is a proud man, and even the way he "pursues" people is very...straight.

Gong Qianli didn't like procrastination, so she told him clearly and decisively.

 During the four years abroad, the two of them kept in contact, but rarely.

Gong Qianli deliberately avoided Gu Chengxi, but Gu Chengxi didn't stalk her or explicitly said she wanted to give up.

This time, Nangong Luo just happened to be used to completely extinguish Gu Chengxi's hope!




Xiao Yu'er shook her arm and asked, "Mommy, Yu'er wants to go to the kitchen to watch daddy cooking. Can Mommy go with Yu'er?"

 “Okay, okay.”

Gong Qianli first agreed to Xiao Yu'er's words without hesitation, then turned to Gu Chengxi and said, "I'm sorry, you have come all the way, and we don't have anything to entertain you at home. Just tell me what you need. I'll do it first." Take Yu'er to the kitchen to have a look."

Gong Qianli held Xiao Yuer's hand, and out of sight of Gu Chengxi, the mother and daughter made a "yeah" gesture to each other.

Before entering the kitchen, Xiao Yuer suddenly stopped and raised her fingers at Gong Qianli.

Gong Qianli knelt down and listened, and heard Xiao Yu'er whispering in her ear: "Mommy, I just saw Daddy always looking at us."

Gong Qianli: “…”

 She understands!

 The mother and daughter suddenly appeared at the door of the kitchen, catching Nangong Luo off guard.

“Why are you two here?” Nangong Luo was surprised and happy.

Gong Qianli teased him, "Oh, isn't there someone who keeps looking over at us?"

Nangong Luo quickly glanced away, "Ahem, I'm busy cooking."

 “How are you doing?”


Just listening to the conversation between the two adults, Xiao Yuer was also very curious.

Xiao Yu'er took Gong Qianli's hand and walked to the stove, pointed at the pot of lobster and asked: "Daddy, can you do better than little fat daddy?"

 “Who is Xiaopang’s daddy?”

“Little Fatty is her deskmate.” Gong Qianli added an explanation in time.

Nangong Luo nodded, very confident, "Of course, your father and I are the best."

The family was enjoying themselves happily, but Gu Chengxi angrily knocked over the tea cup.

 (End of this chapter)

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