My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1281: Don't bother her anymore

Chapter 1281 Don’t disturb her again


Hearing the sound of the door closing, the three of them ran outside the door and saw that Gu Chengxi at the dining table was no longer there.

Gong Qianli felt relieved.

Nangong Luo lowered his eyes, and an unknown emotion flashed across his eyes.

I have known Gu Chengxi for so many years, and I know that Gu Chengxi is a very sophisticated person. He will not be pleasant to people, but he will not show his emotions, and he will not do such things as slamming the door.

It can be seen how unbalanced Gu Chengxi's heart is.

Xiao Yu'er seemed to feel the subtle atmosphere of the scene, and her delicate little hands clenched Gong Qianli's sleeves tightly.

Gong Qianli patted her daughter's back to comfort her, "Come on, let's wait outside. Daddy will soon prepare the shrimp Yu'er wants to eat."


 Xiao Yuer nodded in response.

This war without gunpowder seems to be over.

The meal cooked by Nangong Luo himself was well received by Gong Qianli and Xiao Yuer.

 “Daddy, you are awesome!” Xiao Yuer gave a thumbs up in praise without hesitation.

Nangong Luo found that Xiao Yuer's voice became smoother and smoother.

 Squeezing towards Gong Qianli without leaving a trace, "Liu Li, do you acquiesce?"

"I can not understand what you say."

"Today you took Yu'er to wash her hands. After she came out, Xiao Yu'er's name and attitude towards me changed drastically. If you say that you are not responsible for this, I will not believe it."

Nangong Luo usually looks carefree, but as the current head of the Nangong family, he is also very thoughtful.

Gong Qianli hurriedly picked up the cup and drank heavily, avoiding Nangong Luo's question.

Zhong Yun, who was waiting for news near Gong Qianli's house, found that Gu Chengxi walked out with a cold face not long after he entered. Only then did she realize that she had made a wrong calculation.

Zhong Yun was angry and annoyed, and Gu Chengxi discovered her existence without paying attention.

Gu Chengxi, who was about to drive away, found her at the intersection. The two people who had worked together before and now separated on bad terms got together again.

"I told you, if you don't fight for it, the two of them will be together sooner or later."

 “Is it related to you?”

"Of course. Since our cooperation was so pleasant at the beginning, why can't we continue now?"

 After all, Zhong Yun knew that she alone could not shake Gong Qianli, so she had to recruit Gu Chengxi, who was resourceful and powerful enough to take action.

 The thoughts of Gu Chengxi are so unpredictable that no one can figure them out!

 “I told you, I’m not interested.”

"Gu Chengxi, you are trying to burn bridges. Aren't you afraid that I will tell Gong Qianli about this? If she knew that we missed Nangong Luo because you were causing trouble, she would definitely hate you."

 “Warning you, don’t disturb her.”

"Are you scared? I keep doing this kind of thing all the time, and you should know that I really hope that you and Gong Qianli will be together, so that we can each get what we need."

 “I think you don’t know yourself.”

"What do you mean?"

 “It seems that not only do you have no self-awareness, but you are also stupid.”

 “Gu Chengxi! You!”

“Even if Gong Qianli doesn’t choose him, he won’t choose you, understand?”

Gu Chengxi doesn't care about anyone's face when he attacks someone.

Zhong Yun was so angry that she stamped her feet.

Gu Chengxi added a warning without haste, "Remember, don't disturb her, otherwise, you will know my methods."

 It was rare for Gu Chengxi to talk so much to one person, but every word was precise and infuriating.

 (End of this chapter)

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