My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1284: The only knot of the night

Chapter 1284 The only knot in the night

 “Huh? Does Brother Feng have a younger sister?”

"Of course, Ruoruo and I are not twins, we are triplets, and we have a sister named Nuan Nuan." When it comes to the Ye family's third child, they have never been shy about it.

Everyone knows that Nuan Nuan died when she was born, but Ye Weiyi pretends that she is still alive, and prepares a copy for her no matter what, as if Nuan Nuan has always existed, but did not appear beside them.

 So in the minds of the brothers Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo, they have always had a sister named "Nuan Nuan"

“Wow, that’s great!” Xiao Yuer clapped her hands happily, and felt very strange when she heard that there was a young lady.

 Her question also came, "Where is sister Nuannuan?"

"Hmm." Ye Qingfeng shook his head, "I can't say."

 “Yu’er has never seen it before.”

“We haven’t seen it either, anyway, it’s just Nuannuan.”

"oh oh."

“Here, let me show you the rabbit.” Ye Zhiruo took Xiao Yuer to show her how to play the rabbit.

“This is how this rabbit plays. Let’s go out quickly after reading this. Mommy said we can’t take warm things.”

The three children had a strange exchange in Mo Xiangnuan's room. Ye Zhiruo played the music of the rabbit toy and shared it with Xiao Yu'er.

 Caught off guard, someone pushed the door open.

 Ye Youwei appeared at the door, holding cakes prepared for the children.

 “What are you doing.?”

 The three children seemed to have been caught by their parents for doing bad things. They were so guilty that they did not dare to look into Ye Youwei's eyes.

 Ye only saw the toy in Ye Zhiruo's hand, "That's warm."

“I’m sorry, Mommy, my rabbit is broken. I wanted to show it to Yu’er, so... I borrowed something warm.”

"go out."

There was no smile on Ye Weiwei's face, and he even spoke so harshly.

 Three guilty children, you look at me and you look at each other, Ye Qingfeng, as the eldest, gave an instruction in a low voice, "Go quickly."

 The three children left the room one after another, not daring to look back.

After returning to the children's room, Ye Qingfeng immediately closed the door. The three of them were like rabbits that had just escaped from a wolf's den, with lingering fears.

“Mommy is angry.” Ye Zhiruo frowned, feeling deeply remorseful for this.

"very scary."

 “Oh, what should I do?”

The three children felt very embarrassed about this, and they only knew that they were in trouble.

 Ye Weiwei was originally going to deliver cakes to them, but now he has not come over.

The door closed silently, Ye Weiwei put the cakes on the table and put back the toys that the three children had played with just now.

She was very familiar with Mo Xiangnuan's room. Every time she bought something, she put it in the room herself, including cleaning the room herself.

  Looking at this carefully decorated room that is full of warmth, my heart feels as if it has been soaked in ice.

 For Ye Weiwei, Mo Xiangnuan's room has become a place of longing for her.

When she saw the toy, she would think of the joy the three children had when they shared their play. She couldn't help but think that if she had been more careful to protect Nuan Nuan, Nuan Nuan would have grown up as peacefully and happily as Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo. .

No matter how much time passes, Mo Xiangnuan's death is the only knot in Ye's heart that can never be opened.

 “It would be nice if Nuannuan was still there.”

 “Yes, so she can share toys with us.”

 After hearing these words, Xiao Yuer secretly made a decision in her heart.

 (End of this chapter)

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