My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1285: Do you have time to watch a movie together?

Chapter 1285 Let’s watch a movie together when you have time?

 “Mommy, mommy, mommy.”

 “Don’t listen, don’t listen.”

 “Mommy, just tell me.”

 “Don’t tell, don’t tell.”

 After returning from Yejia, Xiao Yuer pestered Gong Qianli and kept asking about Nuan Nuan.

But Gong Qianli didn't mention a word about Nuan Nuan's loss, even if she asked no less than ten times, she didn't reveal anything about it.

But the more things she couldn't get an answer for, the more interested she became. Xiao Yu'er kept this matter in her heart and thought about asking again when Nangong Luo came.

Gong Qianli can keep her mouth shut to Xiao Yuer, but Nangong Luo cannot be as determined as she is.

When Xiao Yuer shook his hand and acted coquettishly, how could Nangong Luo still say no?

“Well, Nuannuan is the sister of Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo, but she left this place when she was very young, so you have never seen her.”

 “Why did sister Nuannuan leave?”

"Because everyone lives in a different place, I guess you didn't live here originally, right? When the time comes, maybe she will come back."

“Yu’er understands! Great! I hope sister Nuannuan can come back soon.”

 After telling Xiao Yu'er what happened in the words that a child could understand, Nangong Luo also felt that he had done a good job.

 The words "wait until the time is up" are too false. I'm afraid I will never be able to wait for Mo Xiangnuan back.

 The kindergarten is over, and they still have to stay here waiting for Gong Qianli to come.

Xiao Yuer took out her picture book and drew to pass the time.

Xiao Yuer grabbed the pen and patiently drew black lines on the drawing book.

On this page is a semi-finished product that already has some shape. Nangong Luo looked at it carefully and asked, "What are you drawing today?"

 “Police uncle.”

“Yes, why did you suddenly think of painting this?”

“Well, when mommy came to pick up Yu’er the day before yesterday, there was a policeman uncle who looked good.”

 In one short sentence, Nangong Luo captured a lot of information.

 He raised his hand and looked at the time on his watch, and an idea suddenly came to his mind.

 He lifted up Xiao Yu'er's schoolbag on the table and said, "Yu'er, why don't we wait for mommy today?

 Xiao Yu'er shook her head quickly, "No, no, mommy said we have to wait."

 In Xiao Yu'er's heart, Gong Qianli's words were the first priority.

Nangong Luo, whose opinion was rejected, had already made a plan in his mind, "It will take a lot of time for us to wait here for mommy to come over. Today daddy will take you to pick mommy up from get off work."

Xiao Yuer thought for a while and felt that this made sense, so she nodded, "Okay, okay, let's go pick up Mommy from get off work!"

 Police station.

Gong Qianli is sorting out today’s information and waiting for the time to get off work.

Someone came over and handed her a document, "This has been reviewed, please take it in."


 Things are all sorted, she just needs to put them in in order of time.

This matter was very simple, but the man stood beside her and watched her finish it.

Gong Qianli smiled politely, "Is there anything else you can do?"

"Oh, well, it's like this. I originally made an appointment to go to the movies with my friend, but he said he had something to do and couldn't come. I heard you say there was nothing special after get off work, so I wanted to ask you... uh, If you have time, let’s go watch a movie together.”

Some people may not be able to say a word when they are nervous, while some people can babble a lot when they are nervous.

 The above performance is the latter.

 (End of this chapter)

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