My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1286: Big pig hoof Nangong Luo

Chapter 1286 Big Pig’s Hoof Nangong Luo

 But even though he said a lot of words, there was only one key point, and that was—inviting her to watch a movie together!

This cliché plot has happened millions of times in TV dramas and novels and is still used by people.

This old-fashioned way of picking up a conversation is only suitable for situations where two people are interested in each other but do not have a strict relationship. Once you flirt, you are sure to win!

 But here with Gong Qianli, the result can only be a polite refusal.

 “Don’t bother, I’m not very interested in movies.”

“I just think it’s a waste, so I want to find someone to use the movie tickets with me.”

“Well, I have to pick up my daughter from school later.”

“It’s okay, how about I buy another one and take the kids with me?”

 Gong Qianli’s heart:? ? ?

 Wouldn’t it be a waste to buy another one for the child?

While he was talking, he inadvertently glanced at the name on his movie ticket. I didn’t know the movie, but I could tell from the name that it was a romance film, and I guessed it was a romance film.

  Whether it is about people or movies, they are not her cup of tea.

 “Thank you for your kindness, why don’t you ask other people.”

We are all adults, and at this point we are too embarrassed to keep stalking. The man angrily took back the two movie tickets and walked out of Gong Qianli's sight.

Gong Qianli breathed a sigh of relief.

 After all, we are colleagues and we meet each other without looking up. It would be bad if there is too much entanglement.

 It is best to be measured and save her time.

“Hey, when I came in from outside just now, I saw a young man with his child. That man is very good-looking!”

 Youdao Bagua's voice drifted from the side, and Gong Qianli felt her ears itching when she heard it.

The police are serious to the outside world, but everyone is an ordinary person. Privately, they still talk and laugh and occasionally gossip.

 Everyone has a love for beauty. Seeing good-looking people always feels pleasing to the eye and makes you feel a little happier.

Gong Qianli couldn’t help but think of the two people from her home...

Thinking of this, she whispered to herself, why did she just attribute Nangong Luo to herself?

Probably because Nangong Luo appeared in front of her so frequently during this period that she couldn't forget it.

  The cell phone beside me made a ding sound. I reached for it and took a look. The name on the message prompt was "Big Pig's Hoof".

This is her exclusive "pet name" for Nangong Luo.

The fingerprint unlocked the phone, and the information page was displayed. It clearly said: Yu'er and I are waiting for you to get off work.

Gong Qianli: Are you so **** in just one sentence...

 She put her cell phone under the table and quietly typed a reply; she had ten minutes to get off work, so she would be here soon.

It was natural to think that Nangong Luo was accompanying Xiao Yuer in the kindergarten and waiting for her to pick her up.

Just when I was about to put down my phone, a new text message from "Big Pig Hoof" came over: We are at your place of work.

Gong Qianli raised her eyebrows when she saw this text message. She kept rubbing the screen of her phone with her fingertips, not knowing what to say.

She couldn't help but think of the casual conversation she heard just now. Could it be that the man with his daughter was Nangong Luo?

That person’s appearance stands out among the crowd and can easily be the focus.

Gong Qianli poked her head out and asked the person diagonally across from her: "Hey, you just said there was a good-looking man with his daughter? What are they here for?"

 “It seems that you are waiting for someone. What, are you interested?”

  “I rarely hear you compliment people, so I’m a little curious.”

 (End of this chapter)

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