My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1289: Gong Qianli must be my wife

Chapter 1289 Gong Qianli must be my wife

Gong Qianli quietly sneaked to the floor-to-ceiling window with a glass of water and sent a message.

“Liu Li, please stay here today. I will ask Uncle Zhang to take you and Yu’er to school and work tomorrow morning.”

 The parents of the Gong family really wanted the mother and daughter to stay, and even wished they could live in the Gong family every day.

Since it was a rare occasion to come back, Gong Qianli was too embarrassed to refuse, so she could only nod her head and say, "Okay."

Xiao Yuer ran to her side and asked quietly: "Mommy, if we don't go home, what will Daddy do?"

 Because during this period, they ate together every afternoon. Nangong Luo cooked at home, and they were together outside, as if they were a very happy family of three.

 Xiao Yuer likes this kind of life very much, because she also has a father!

It’s a pity that she heard what her grandparents said, and it seemed that she was not very satisfied with her father.

This made Xiao Yuer feel puzzled. It seemed that her father had made many people unhappy, so she did not dare to mention it in front of her grandparents.


 Night bar.

This historic bar is even more resplendent than before.

Over the years, the size of the bar has continued to expand, branches have spread all over the country, and the management of the headquarters has also changed one batch after another.

At first they liked this bar and they all spent part of their money to invest in it together with Ye Xichen.

How else can we say they are smart? They invested in shares in the early years, and now they get all the dividends every year.

Gu Chengxi and Nangong Luo haven't seen each other for a long time. Their friendship is not deep, and they are probably maintained by the relationship between Ye Xichen and Ye Xichen.

Now that they meet, they have their own purposes, and the atmosphere of being under the same roof is very subtle.

 “Brother Gu, long time no see.”


This luxurious private room is very spacious, with many different types of wine bottles placed on the table.

“Brother Gu, aren’t you all prepared to welcome me?”


Nangong Luo sneered lightly, "In the past years, when I invited you to drink, you always said that it is not convenient for doctors to drink. Now that you have been abroad for four years, have you changed your habit?"

Gu Chengxi replied: "It doesn't matter if you take a break from time to time."

He used to be very busy working in the hospital, and he might be called back to work at the hospital for surgery at any time, so he basically didn't drink for fear of something going wrong.

 Just recently returned to China to take over the family business, and has not officially entered the hospital yet.

It always feels a little weird for two grown men to be in the same room without talking about work or fun.

 “I’ve stopped drinking recently and don’t dare to drink.”

"You do not dare?"

 “There are people in charge of the house, so we don’t dare to make mistakes.”

"Is it."


ˆ He did not directly specify who the “family member” was, but the conversation between the two had a strong smell of fireworks.

Even though the words came to this point, Gu Chengxi poured two glasses of wine himself and handed them to him.

 “So much wine, don’t waste it.”

  "Brother Gu, if you have something to say, you can speak out, but you are being ignored by me."

"I like her too."


Nangong Luo picked up the cup and drank it all in one gulp, then placed it heavily on the table, "She is mine!"

"She didn't choose you." Gu Chengxi poked his sore spot calmly.

Nangong Luo said firmly: "She will."

 “You were disqualified four years ago, and four years later you are still not together.”

"Brother Gu, what you said is really unreasonable! Now it's just a woman having a little temper and quarrel. After all, Yu'er is my Nangong Luo's daughter, and Gong Qianli must be my wife!"

"Well said." Gu Chengxi suddenly applauded, "If you come today, I should give you a surprise."

"Come out."

 (End of this chapter)

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