My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1290: Nangong Yu is looking for his father

Chapter 1290 Nangong Yu is looking for his father


As soon as Gu Chengxi finished speaking, a child ran out of the side door and ran straight to Nangong Luo, still saying "Daddy" in his mouth.

Nangong Luo frowned. Nangong Yu, who had not seen him for many days, reappeared in front of him, looking very surprised.


Nangong Yu kept calling him, trying to get his attention.

Nangong Luo was not kind to her.

Last time Zhong Yun was so angry with Mr. Nangong that the Nangong family put pressure on the Zhong family to retaliate. Now he is even more unwilling to have anything to do with the Zhong family.

 He did not answer Nangong Yu's words, but asked Gu Chengxi, "Why does she appear here?"

 “Obviously, come to his father.”

 “You should know that she has nothing to do with me.”

"It doesn't matter...she called me "Daddy" every time, which is very kind. I am doing a good deed out of kindness, and you should be grateful to me."

 “Gu Chengxi!”

This full title is full of warning.

Gu Chengxi poured another glass of wine into his wine glass without haste, shaking the high-heeled wine glass to appreciate the dynamic beauty of the slight rippling of the red wine.

Nangong Luo is now entangled by Nangong Yu.

He doesn’t want to see the Zhong family and he doesn’t like Nangong Yu, but no matter what, he can’t be cruel to a child, right?

Helping, he could only try to talk to Nangong Yu, "Where is your mother?"

Nangong Yu smiled when he heard this, "Dad, are you looking for Mommy? I'll take you there! Mommy said you went to work far away, and she prepared a lot of gifts for Yu'er!"


 Zhong Yun has become a sinner of the Nangong family for doing that kind of thing, but he still refuses to slowly tell the child the truth.

It was Zhong Yun who was unkind in the first place. He gave Zhong Yun a chance and wanted to save her face. It was Zhong Yun who made everything go to the worst possible outcome.

Nangong Luo sneered in his heart.

Since Nangong Yu appears here, it means Zhong Yun is also nearby.

 He didn't want to stay here and waste time anymore. No one in this group of people was what he wanted to see.

 “I still have something to do, so I won’t accompany you.”

Nangong Luo wanted to leave, but Gu Chengxi didn't say anything to persuade him to stay.

 It’s just that Nangong Yu is a problem.

Seeing Nangong Luo was about to leave, Nangong Yu hugged his thigh tightly, "Dad, don't go."

Nangong Luo grabbed her little arm and tried to pull her away.

But Nangong Yu's best right now was to hold on tightly and not let go, "Dad, don't leave, Yu'er wants to go back to the big room, and Yu'er wants to find grandma."

 The thoughts in a child’s heart are the most real.

Zhong Yun may have not told her the truth to protect the child, but Zhong Yun actually asked the child to appear in front of him at this time. You can imagine what he had in mind.

If he wants to be as soft-hearted as he was four years ago and will definitely fall into Zhong Yun's trap, he will be a fool!

Nangong Yu must have run out after listening to Zhong Yun's words.

Nangong Luo looked around the luxurious private room and said to the air, "Don't think that a child can hinder me. If you don't come out, don't blame me for attacking a child!"

 Put this sentence down.

There was nothing but the crisp clinking sound when Gu Chengxi picked up and put down the wine bottles and glasses behind him.

"Dad, I want to go home, and I want to find grandma." Nangong Yu was struggling to perform beside him, and Nangong Luo's patience had been worn out.

He forced Nangong Luo's hand open, and Nangong Yu, who couldn't bear the pain, burst into tears instantly, and the originally quiet and tense atmosphere was filled with crying.

 (End of this chapter)

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