My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1303: I want my big bed

 Chapter 1303 I want my big bed

 She found that the appearance of the room had changed into something she did not recognize.

The room was originally equipped with beautiful bookcases and a beautiful big bed, but now there are only a lot of cabinets containing some books. The big bed is gone, and so are her toys.

Nangong Yu ran downstairs with a cry. When he found Mrs. Nangong, he kept pulling her hand to tell her to stand up, "Grandma, follow me."

"What's wrong?" Mrs. Nangong still didn't know the reason for her sudden change of expression.

When Nangong Yu exerted her strength, the force was quite strong. Mrs. Nangong was so troubled by her that she stood up and followed Nangong Yu upstairs. It was only when she saw the room she was pointing at that she suddenly understood.

 After Zhong Yun and Nangong Yu left, she had these two rooms transformed into study rooms. It was inevitable that no one could live here anymore. Only in this way could the traces of their life in this home gradually disappear.

Mrs. Nangong is very clear about Nangong Yu’s mentality.

 She didn’t know how to explain clearly to a child. No matter what she said, she might hurt the child, so she finally decided to leave the important responsibility to the child’s mother.

“Yu’er, let me take you out to find mommy first.”

 “I don’t want it, I want my big bed, I want my toys!”

Nangong Yu seemed unwilling to believe what he saw in front of him, so he rushed into the room and shouted "Ahhhhh".

Nangong Yu originally had that bad habit of making noises if the time was not to her liking. In addition, a girl's voice is inherently sharp, so her shouting at the top of her lungs was really unbearable.

 “That’s enough, stop making trouble!”

She doesn't like to hear Mrs. Nangong yelling.

“No books, no books, I want my big bed! I want my toys!” Nangong Yu shouted while stamping her feet.

 She has completely forgotten what Zhong Yun told her.

Mrs. Nangong felt very angry just looking at her appearance. Carrying such a child for a long time would really depress her heart.

Especially when compared with another granddaughter who is better and closer, Mrs. Nangong’s impression of Nangong Yu plummeted.

“If you keep making noise, I’ll ask your mommy to take you away.”

 Mrs. Nangong’s threat just stepped on Nangong Yu’s pain point, and she immediately silenced her voice.

 In the past, Nangong Yu was the most arrogant in front of Mrs. Nangong, and only Zhong Yun in the family could suppress her.

Now that Mrs. Nangong no longer favors her, she naturally doesn't have so many scruples.

 Er Genzi finally calmed down, Mrs. Nangong gave a look to the nanny who was following her, and the nanny came up and tried to pull Nangong Yu away.

 “Go down.”

Mrs. Nangong stared at her.

The nanny tried to take Nangong Yu down, but Nangong Yu wanted to fight her, holding on to the edge of the stairs and refusing to let go.

 She didn’t speak, but she showed it with actions.

Mrs. Nangong personally pried her fingers off the edge of the stairs one by one.

 “Let’s go.”

This time the nanny picked him up and carried him downstairs.

Nangong Yu struggled hard in the nanny's arms. Mrs. Nangong looked at her and shook her head.

 Sure enough, there are big differences between people. For example, Xiao Yuer never does such impolite things.

Mrs. Nangong couldn’t stand it any longer, so she called the housekeeper, “Butler, go and ask Zhong Yun to come in.”

 Zhong Yun was ecstatic when she got the agreement.

 She finally had the chance to return to this home again.

Zhong Yun entered the door full of hope and shouted: "Mom."


 (End of this chapter)

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