My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1304: Who is your mother?

Chapter 1304 Who is your mother?

“Ms. Zhong, be careful! You can eat randomly, but you can’t talk nonsense.”

Mrs. Nangong feels very harsh now when she hears Zhong Yun call her doctor "Mom".

Zhong Yun was humiliated on the spot and looked a little unhappy.

But she was the best at making appearances, and she returned to normal in just a few seconds, and even changed her words according to Mrs. Nangong's wishes.

 “Mrs. Nangong.”


Mrs. Nangong snorted coldly, not sure whether this was an answer or a disregard.

 Zhong Yun warned herself in her heart to be patient!

Mrs. Nangong gave the nanny a look, and the nanny pulled Nangong Yu in front of Zhong Yun.

Mrs. Nangong said slowly: "You can take your daughter back."

As soon as Nangong Yu heard that he was leaving here, he was unhappy!

 “I’m not leaving, grandma, grandma, I’m not leaving!”

The noise was annoying, Zhong Yun quickly covered her mouth, "Yu'er, shut up."

“Uh huh.” Nangong Yu didn’t listen to her words, and the mother and daughter became so stubborn that it was like a farce.

Zhong Yun pleaded urgently, "Madam, I have something to tell you. Can you please give me some time?"

"I have nothing to say to you. Take your daughter and leave."

“Madam, I’m really in a hurry, it’s about Luo!”

Zhong Yun took out Nangong Luo's name, Mrs. Nangong waved to the nanny, and the nanny took Nangong Yu aside.

Zhong Yun glanced around and saw that there was no one else around, and knelt down directly in front of Mrs. Nangong.

Mrs. Nangong frowned, "What are you doing?"

Zhong Yun lowered her head and her shoulders trembled, "Madam, I'm here to admit my mistake today. Everything I did in the past was all my fault. I beg my aunt to forgive me."

“All the things in the past can be wiped out with just a word of admission from you? You think things are too good.”

"I know." Zhong Yun's tone was a little lower. "I know I made mistakes, but there are still many misunderstandings that have not been explained clearly. I hope my aunt can give me another chance to change my ways. I will definitely do a good job." Make up for past mistakes.”

"Forget it, I don't dare to let you come and harm our family again." Mrs. Nangong couldn't help but sneer, "If you were smart, you should avoid us instead of showing up! Don't think that the revenge against the Zhong family last time can calm everything down. We remember clearly what you did to the old man! If you come again, don’t blame me for being rude to you! "

  Her heart was heaving violently, but Zhong Yun was angry.

On the surface, he begged for forgiveness, but in his heart, he had already scolded Mrs. Nangong.

Mrs. Nangong is a decisive person. Since she doesn't want to tangle with Zhong Yun, she doesn't want to waste any more words with her.

 Hands directly asked Zhong Yun and her daughter to be "invited" out.

 Actually, even so, Mrs. Nangong was still unhappy.

  She is so worried about her son’s marriage!

Even if she knew that what happened four years ago was an accident caused by a strange combination of circumstances, if her daughter left her hometown for four years because of someone else's son and still lived alone with her child, she probably wouldn't like to see those people!

After much thought, Mrs. Nangong decided to come to the palace family in person to apologize. Only her son could be happy, so she didn’t want her old face!

At the same time, Nangong Luo also had a hopeless solution.

“It’s you who wants to ask for forgiveness and you drag me with you, but I won’t plead for you.”

Gong Qianli reluctantly followed Nangong Luo to the Gong family.

 (End of this chapter)

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