My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 131: kindness rejected

Chapter 131 Rejected kindness


 Ye Weiwei shouted at his back, but Su Yichen, who was walking in front, did not respond.

"Su Yichen, wait a minute!" Ye Weiwei pinched the chain of the shell schoolbag and touched the painkillers on the side, his palms were hot.

 She trotted two steps to catch up and handed over the painkillers.

 “Here, here are these painkillers for you.”

"No need." Su Yichen avoided it indifferently, not intending to accept her kindness.

Ye’s only original intention was not to do such a thankless thing, but when she thought of An Ruan, she felt guilty and wanted to do something.

An Ruan seemed to value Su Yichen, so she could do her best to help Su Yichen with the painkillers An Ruan bought.

"This is the painkiller Ruan Ruan bought. Here it is for you." Ye Weiwei pushed the painkiller to him without any explanation.

Seeing that the wound on his arm was still bleeding, he quickly took out a mini bottle of disinfectant and cotton swabs from his shell bag.

   said: “I’ll give this to you too.”

Su Yichen stared blankly as Ye Weiyi took out one small object after another from such a small schoolbag, and his frown tightened.

 This little girl who looks malnourished is really strange.

He looked at her carefully and suddenly asked: "You are so kind to me? What's your plan?"

"Huh?" Ye Weiyi, who was looking for something, didn't hear it and took out the last two OK bags in his schoolbag.

 “These, these are all for you.”

 She had no other thoughts, she just wanted to help An Ruan's friend.

Su Yichen is now "An Ruan's friend" in her eyes, nothing more.

Su Yichen looked down and saw the little girl who was a head shorter than him. Her unremarkable round face was actually a bit cute.

A gust of cool wind blew by, and Su Yichen's mind suddenly became clear.

The strange thoughts that had just arisen in his mind were thrown away. He said indifferently, "It doesn't matter to you," and continued to drag his "remnant leg" forward.

Su Yichen stood at the stop sign waiting for the bus. Ye Weiwei struggled for a long time before catching up, and put all the things in the disinfectant on the couch next to him, "I put the things here, you can do whatever you want."

Having said what needed to be said, she picked up the shell schoolbag with both hands and turned around to leave.

 During training today, Master Shirley adjusted the training method according to her physical condition. If it was not convenient for her to move her legs, she would train her hand strength.

The tall and muscular elder brother Hu Ran put his thick arms across the table.

 “Oh, Master, please help me, my disciple’s hand is scratched!”

The senior brother and the little girl seemed to be crying out in pain, and the only thing Ye admired about him was that...he had no image of crying to his master.

But Master Shirley patted his wound very rudely, and the senior brother screamed even more miserably.

Just when Ye Weiwei covered her mouth and snickered, Shirley suddenly called out her name.


 “Ang? Here, here.”

“Here’s the disinfectant I asked you to bring with you. Take it out and wipe it with your senior brother. He is most afraid of pain.”

 The only thing I heard in the night was "Oh!" I got up and rummaged through my school bag, but found nothing.

 She suddenly remembered that those things were all left to Su Yichen!

 “Master, I gave my things to my classmates.”

 “That’s it, then forget it.”

Shirley didn't ask much, and just told her a few words, "It doesn't matter if boys are thick-skinned and careless. You are a girl. You should always prepare more things to protect yourself and be more careful. Do you understand?"

 “Yes, master, I remember it.”

She obediently agreed, and when she stood up to collect her schoolbag, she saw Ye Xichen standing at the door.

   Little Lingdang, let’s accept Brother Chen’s interrogation.



 (End of this chapter)

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