My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 132: His back is warm

Chapter 132 His back is warm

 Ye's only training time was over, and Ye Xichen naturally came to pick her up and take her home.

Ye Weiwei slowly changed his clothes and came out. The shell schoolbag had already fallen into Ye Xichen's hand.

 “Who gave the thing to?” he seemed to ask inadvertently.

 Ye Weiwei still answered: "A classmate."

 “Male or female?”

“…” After a moment of silence, Ye Weiwei decided to tell the truth, “It’s a male classmate.”

I thought Ye Xichen would continue to ask questions, and she was ready to answer. Surprisingly, Ye Xichen did not mention this topic again, but only paid attention to a few other trivial matters.

Ye Xichen never showed her emotions openly, but she could tell that Ye Xichen was a little unhappy.

 Is it because she gave the thing to someone else?

Ye Weiwei thought about it in his mind and decided to take the initiative to explain what happened today, "After the exam today, I saw a classmate injured on the street. He is An Ruan's good friend, so I gave him the painkillers An Ruan bought. By the way, I also left the OK bandage and the like for him.”

Ye Xichen listened quietly, then took Ye Weiwei into the drugstore and prepared another set.

Things are small and don’t take up much space, but they can be used urgently if you are injured.

 “Are you tired from training?”


 “Hmm?” Ye Xichen narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at her.

Ye Weiwei silently swallowed back the words to report good news but not bad news, and said honestly: "Tired."

  When someone really cared about her, all the tiredness and grievances she felt during training came to her mind.

The little girl stretched out her arm in embarrassment, "My hand hurts."

 He lowered his head and tapped his leg again, "My feet hurt too."

“But Master Shirley said not to interrupt, so it’s always been like this.” She was still childish, and her tone was even softer when she complained.

Puffed her pink lips slightly, hiding her two dimples, and her expression of grievances was extremely cute.

Ye Xichen took in her movements and micro-expressions, and his cold eyes suddenly became soft.

As soon as he finished complaining, he saw that Ye Xichen had already bent down his noble body and said, "Come up."


 “Carry you back.”

Ye Weiwei waved his hand and shook his head, "No, no need, I can still walk..."

Ye Xichen said in a cold voice: "Don't make me repeat it a second time."

Ye Weiwei didn't move away and immediately climbed on his neck.

 Her body was hanging in the air, she was being carried on the back of a familiar person, and people would feel fearful when her feet left the ground, but she was not worried at all at the moment.

 The broad shoulders, the warm spine, and the familiar smell of vanilla, everything made her feel at ease.

 Unknowingly, she lay on his back and fell asleep peacefully.

The next day when I saw An Ruan at school, he was pulled aside and asked about painkillers.

“I saw that the things Yichen was holding were very similar to what you usually carry.”

Ye Weiwei said "Oh" and explained clearly what happened to Su Yichen's injury yesterday.

“Your friend seems to be seriously injured, so I’ll give him painkillers and disinfectant.”

An Ruan patted her shoulder with a "Hey" and smiled meaningfully, "I didn't expect you to care about him. It seems that you also have a good impression of him, right?"

"No, I just think he is your friend, so..."

An Ruan listened impatiently to her explanation, "Tomorrow and Saturday, you can come to my house to play. I'm so bored at home alone."

Ye Weiwei frowned, "It's not good."

“Xiao Li, am I always good to you? I haven’t asked you for anything, so you just stay with me for half a day, can’t you?”

 “Okay, okay…”

  My title is very warm. Haven’t you guessed An Ruan’s two purposes?



 (End of this chapter)

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