My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1316: Isn’t Pan’er just...

Chapter 1316 Isn’t Pan’er just...

 Finally coaxed the two children to take a nap, and Ye Weiyi sat on the bed board and watched them every step of the way.

"Fell asleep?"


Ye Xichen stood at the door and asked, and Ye Weiwei gestured to him.

  I breathed a sigh of relief after leaving the room, "I'm very good at home. How come I can be so troublesome when I come out? I can't figure it out."

 Shaked his head, confused.

Ye Xichen held her hands up and pressed her temples to relieve her nerves, "There's no need to think clearly, I've already asked someone to check."

They promised the child that they would go and see how the little sister was doing so that they would not break their promise.

It was just that the investigators came back to report that the child's name was Li Pan'er, a child from this mountain village. Originally, the Li family's parents worked in S city. Later, the factory collapsed, and the Li family's husband and wife took the old man and the child back with their business. Arrived at my hometown here.

They also found out that the Li family felt that their daughter was useless and would take it out on her when she had a bad temper. It was common for them to scold their children.

Li Pan'er, Li Pan'er, doesn't it mean that the Li family hopes to have a son?

Knowing the reason, Ye Weiwei also felt full of heartache.

 “The girl is so cute, she is such a considerate little cotton-padded jacket, she should be easy to take care of.”

She is also a mother herself, and she feels pity for her children when she sees them. She doesn’t understand why some families favor sons over daughters.

If her warmth is still there...

 She will definitely hold her daughter in her heart, protect her and love her, and be reluctant to let her get hurt in the slightest.

  Taking her head to remind herself, she was just an outsider no matter what, and could not get involved in other people's family affairs.

It is impossible for her to say a few words and the Li family's attitude towards the child will drastically change.

“I don’t understand how these people can be so cruel to such a young child.”

“There are so many people in the world, how can you understand them all?”

“But those kind of parents are simply scum! Are they going to suffer the pain of giving birth to a child? It’s a pity that the child is only so old.”

Comparing the treatment of her two babies with that of Li Pan'er, there was indeed a huge difference, and she felt a chill when she heard it.

After patiently listening to Ye's only complaint, Ye Xichen put his palm lightly against her cheek and said, "Okay, that's someone else's business."

Ye Xichen is a cold person, not as emotional as Ye Yiyi. The only people he cares about in his heart are those close to him, so he doesn't want Ye Yiyi to miss him all the time.

In any case, it is someone else’s business. They can help for a while but not forever.

 Ye Weiwei nodded, pressed his head against his palm, closed his eyes and leaned on it.


 After their nap, the brother and sister got up at the same time.

 Ye Yiwei prepared two cups of warm water and fruit slices for them.

 After they put on their coats and went to the toilet, Ye Weiwei handed them boiled water and fruits, "Here, drink water and eat fruits after you get up from a nap."

 This is the case for them in kindergarten. The time for doing everything is relatively fixed.

Ye Zhiruo held the cup in both hands, hesitated for a while, and asked: "Mommy, have you let anyone see the little sister?"

 Yeweiyi: “…”

She was really curious that the little girl was really so pitiful that her children missed her so much? The first thing he did when he woke up was to ask her this question?

 Fortunately, as a competent mother, she can confidently give satisfactory answers to her children.

“Don’t worry, Mommy has already asked someone to check on her. The little sister is fine.”


 Children trust their parents’ words.

 (End of this chapter)

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