My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1317: Dirty my sister's skirt

Chapter 1317: My sister’s skirt was stained

Ye Xichen's purpose of coming here has been agreed upon, but he still has a few days to stay here to inspect the specific terrain environment and other things.

At this moment, Ye Zhiruo and Ye Qingfeng started to wild like birds out of their cages.

There were almost no cars passing by on the roads in the mountain village. They ran out like a gust of wind, feeling free and happy.

 They will be curious about the people and things in the mountain village, and the people in the mountain village will also be curious about them.

Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo tried to make friends with those children, but found that their habits were very different.

 For example, you have to wash your hands before eating, but when they see some children with dirty hands, they will eat them.

Ye Zhiruo reminded me kindly, "The teacher said, wash your hands before eating."

But this habit does not exist in the child's mind at all. He only knows that he eats things by grabbing them into his mouth.

 Some children can’t help but reach out and touch the Ye family brothers and sisters when they see them wearing beautiful clothes and skirts. Children are actually very sensitive to other people's touch. They will also be a little unhappy if their clothes are pulled by unfamiliar people.

Especially when someone grabbed Ye Zhiruo's light-colored plaid skirt, leaving a trace of black and gray. Ye Qingfeng, who was guarding her shortcomings, stepped forward first and pushed the person away, "You soiled my sister's skirt!"

 Because of these little things, the mood of the brother and sister plummeted.

Ye Qingfeng pulled her sister to complain, "Mommy, they soiled my sister's skirt! I'm very angry!"

Ye Weiwei heard the reason why things happened from the children's mouths, and thought that everyone's behavior and habits have a lot to do with the living environment when they grew up.

“The other children didn’t do it on purpose. They were just curious about you and accidentally got it dirty. Are you willing to forgive them?”

Ye Ziyi couldn't be strict with the children here, so she could only coax the two babies to learn tolerance.

Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo looked at each other, and Ye Zhiruo, the best-tempered one, nodded slowly.

Seeing that his sister no longer cared, Ye Qingfeng reluctantly nodded.

He also swore in front of Ye Youyi, "I want to protect my sister! Don't let them touch her!"

 Ye Qingfeng loves his sister the most.

 Seeing the two babies in the family loving each other so much, Ye Weiwei was naturally happy.

However, not all the children in the mountain village were rude and did as they pleased. Some even specially picked flowers and made them into garlands for Ye Zhiruo.

Yezhiruo had many exquisite ornaments when she was young, and many of them were valuable, but she had never seen a wreath made of real flowers.

  The first time she saw it, she couldn't help but clapped her hands and praised, "It's so beautiful."

 “Give it to you!”


 Having a garland as a greeting gift when meeting new friends will help them get along quickly.

 The children leading Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruowan are about seven or eight years old and are already big children.

They have relatively clear thinking and language, can communicate with the two brothers and sisters, and enthusiastically tell them an interesting thing that happened in the mountain village.

Ye Zhiruo suddenly pulled Ye Qingfeng's finger. When Ye Qingfeng looked at her, she stretched out her finger and pointed to a certain place in front of her.

Ye Qingfeng looked over, and with his excellent vision, they all discovered that the woman carrying a backpack was the fierce woman they had seen before.

“Brother, it’s that fierce aunt.”

 (End of this chapter)

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