My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1318: Give clothes to little sister

Chapter 1318: Give clothes to little sister

“Brother, it’s that fierce aunt.”


 “What are you looking at?”

When the brother and sister were looking at the woman, the older child who was leading them to play also looked over.

People in the mountain village basically knew each other, so the eldest child immediately called out the person's identity, "It's the aunt of the Li family."

The brothers and sisters from the Ye family had an idea. They took the eldest child and asked, "Sister, do you know the little sister from that aunt's family?"

 “Are you talking about Aunt Li?”

 “Yeah! Her little sister.”

 “Li Pan’er, right?”

 “Yeah, yeah, yeah!” Nodding faster this time.

 The eldest child scratched his head and couldn't figure out why they wanted to ask about Li Pan'er.

 “How do you know Li Pan’er?”

“I saw that aunt was so fierce before, and my little sister cried.”

“Oh, this is normal. Li Paner is a crybaby and no one plays with her.”

The child did not think about explaining or introducing anything in detail, but just told the brother and sister about Li Paner in his own mind.

When the brother and sister heard this, they focused on the point that "no one plays with Li Pan'er", and they immediately felt even more pitiful for the little sister.

The older child suddenly pushed their shoulders and shouted: "Look, Li Pan'er is out too."

They saw a thin little girl holding a water bottle in her hand, following Aunt Li step by step.

 The mother and daughter were walking in the field.

Perhaps the water bottle was a bit heavy, so it was a little difficult for Li Paner to walk.

The aunt of the Li family would turn around and scold her from time to time.

 Ye Zhiruo couldn't help but trembled: "It's so fierce."

Ye Qingfeng saw her sister trembling, and gave her a warm hug, "If you are afraid, don't be afraid, I will protect you!"

Soon, Aunt Li and Li Paner walked out of their sight.

The brother and sister still felt that Li Pan'er was pitiful and Aunt Li was fierce, but when they saw that Li Pan'er didn't cry this time, their reaction was not as intense as last time.

 Farewell to the eldest child who introduced them, the brother and sister ran back to the B&B.

 They were about to leave, and Ye Weiwei urged the two children to collect their things.

“Go and pack your clothes and other things into your suitcase. Mommy will come back to check if you are a careful kid or a careless kid.”

 “Don’t worry, Mommy, I know my stuff.”

 Make good use of motivational words when communicating with children, so that they can be more motivated.

 The two children quickly "swept" the room for a week, putting one thing after another into the suitcase.

 I bought other things after I came here. There were more things than when I came here, and the small suitcase couldn’t fit in them.

 Ye Zhiruo has two more sets of clothes.

 She tried her best not to stuff it in.

Ye Qingfeng wanted to pack it for his sister, but his own small box was also full and he couldn't continue to pack it.

"what should I do?"

“Why don’t we put it in Mommy’s box?”

Ye Zhiruo squatted on the ground, staring at the dress placed on the box, and suddenly said: "Brother, I want to give it to my little sister."

 “It seems okay!”

 The brothers and sisters discussed it privately for a while and felt that this idea was not bad.

They went out and pulled Ye Weiwei in, specifically saying, "Mommy, can I give the extra clothes to my little sister?"

“Is it the Li Pan’er you were talking about before?”


"Okay, this is your thing, you can distribute it yourself. Mommy will take you there."

 (End of this chapter)

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