My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1319: Before leaving, go find Li Paner

Chapter 1319 Go find Li Paner before leaving

Ye Weiwei respects the children's ideas. This request is within the feasible range, and she is even willing to take the initiative to help the children complete this matter.

 “Mommy will take you there.”

 She had heard someone tell her the address of the Li family.

Ye Weiwei held a child in his left and right hands respectively, and asked two bodyguards to follow him to carry the things and set off.

This mountain village is very large, but the households are relatively concentrated. Asking people on the roadside can give them directions.

Soon, Ye Weiwei and others arrived at the door of Li Pan'er's house.

This door is a two-leaf wooden door with some signs of wear on the corners.

 The doors in rural areas are generally open as long as someone is at home.

Ye Weiwei personally took the child up and knocked on the door.

Out of politeness, they used the knock on the door as a doorbell to alert the host, hoping that the host would know someone was visiting.

Soon, a slovenly man walked out.

 The man had a full beard, and at first glance he thought he was dazzled by the exquisite mother and son.

  He rubbed his eyes with his hands and stared at them again with his eyes wide open.

Ye Weiwei had already pulled the child back, and instead two bodyguards stood in front to clear the way.

“Are you Li Paner’s family?”

 “I am her father.”

Seeing the serious-looking bodyguard in black, the man finally became alert and asked, "Who are you?"

Ye Weiwei slightly put the two children behind him with his hands and took the initiative to explain the purpose of his visit, "Hello, we are tourists here. That's right, because my two children are very fond of your daughter. Before leaving, my daughter I want to give Li Paner some gifts as a souvenir, do you think that’s okay?”

Although I know that the Li family and his wife are not kind to Li Pan'er, they still have to make it clear what they should say.

The man looked at Ye Weiwei and the others, and he knew they were from rich families just by looking at their clothes.

I also heard that I was going to give something to Li Paner, and I became greedy.

The man's face instantly became very enthusiastic, "Oh oh oh, are you a friend Pan'er knows? Do you want to come in and sit at home?"

The man stretched out his hand to invite them in. Ye Weiwei caught a glimpse of the dim environment in the room and rejected his "kindness" with a smile.

"No need to bother, we will leave soon. If it is convenient, could you please Mr. Li to call out Pan'er?"

 The man glanced into the room, with an unknown emotion in his eyes, and shook his head, "Pan'er went out with her mother."

“Then, when will they come back? Or where did they go?”

"She just went out to have dinner with her mother. She can't come back today. If you have anything, please give it to me. I'm her father, and I'll guard it for her."

"Ah..." Ye Zhiruo and Ye Qingfeng both felt a little pity when they heard that Li Pan'er was not here.

  Ye Weiwei nodded, the smile on his face unchanged.

She handed the bag of clothes to the man and said, "Please pass it to Pan'er, thank you."

Of course she could clearly see the greed in the man's eyes, but she was not afraid, because it contained clothes that only Li Pan'er could wear, and it was useless for a man to hold it.

 Soon the group of them left.

 When a man sees a beautiful handbag, he thinks it is something good, but he cannot open it in front of others.

After Ye Weiwei left with the child, the man couldn't wait to open the bag, but when he opened it, his expression changed.

 He took the things into the house and threw the clothes into the small room, "Things for you!"

 (End of this chapter)

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