My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1320: Xiao Yuer changed her name

Chapter 1320 Xiao Yuer changed her name

 The man threw the clothes brought by Ye Zhiruo to the ground.

Li Paner did not go to the banquet with Aunt Li. She was kept at home and starved.

  Because the Li family had just had a quarrel, both husband and wife had hard tempers, and Persimmon had to pick on the softer one. When they quarreled, they disliked her for being a girl and not a son with a handle. Naturally, bad things happened to her.

Li Pan'er huddled on her bed. She was startled when her father threw something in, and she didn't dare to reach out to pick it up.

The man spat on the ground, slammed the door and left, probably because he felt out of sight.

At this time, Li Paner slowly got out of bed, stepped on the cement floor wearing worn-out sandals, and lifted the bag.

 She slowly opened the bag and took out two sets of exquisite dresses.

Li Paner’s eyes instantly opened up!

She had never touched such beautiful clothes before. When she was in the city, she would see them outside the store, but she could only look at them. No one had ever taken her in, and she didn't dare to ask for them.

 When I touch such beautiful clothes now, it feels unreal when I hold them in my hands.

But why does she have such beautiful clothes at home?

Li Pan'er turned her clothes over and over, and suddenly she found a piece of colorful cardboard in her pocket. There were pictures and words on the cardboard, but it was a pity that she couldn't understand it.

Li Paner has not yet gone to school, and her language skills are limited to the basics she learned from hearing others speak in the city.

However, she did not treat the letter as useless stationery. Instead, she collected everything and treasured it.


Time flies so fast, Gong Qianli and Nangong Luo have already decided on their wedding date.

As for the reason, Xiao Yuer takes more than half of the credit for this, because she wants to give her child an upright identity!

 The life experience of Xiao Yu'er was clarified, and her name was officially changed to Nangong Yu.

Just because of such an incident, Nangong Luo laughed for three days while holding the household registration book. He told everyone he had a wife and a daughter. Especially when he went out with Gong Qianli, he made it clear that he would follow her. Let's show off our wives and daughters.

Gong Qianli raised her head. She was very happy that her and her daughter's identities were recognized, but why did it have to be in this way that made people feel second-rate?

But these words have to be kept in the heart, because Nangong Luo and Xiao Yu'er are enjoying it.

Xiao Yuer probably knew that she would be accompanied by her father and mother in the future, so when Nangong Luo introduced her to others, she was very cooperative.

 It can be seen that she is really happy.

Nangong Luo was determined to start with his daughter, and Gong Qianli was worried about the father and daughter.

 After the wedding date was set, the huge project of sending out invitations began.

The marriage of the only child of the Nangong family and the Gong family is such a big news. The number of people who want to attend their wedding is so large that they can line up from the street to the end of the street. Of course they have to choose the people they invite!

Nangong Luo himself is full of struggle for this matter!

 But there are still people thinking about how to disrupt the situation.

Gu Chengxi made an appointment with Gong Qianli alone.

 After Gong Qianli received the invitation, she decided to go to the appointment after much hesitation.

Gu Chengxi took the initiative to leave an address. Gong Qianli looked at the address over and over again. She always felt that it was familiar, but she couldn't remember what happened in that place?

 (End of this chapter)

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