My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1326: The gift from Gu Chengxi is

Chapter 1326 What is the gift from Gu Chengxi?


Gu Chengxi only said one word, then turned and walked forward.

He stopped after walking no more than two or three meters and placed the gift box on the trash can next to him.

Then he continued to walk forward, his back gradually moving away at a uniform speed, and he never looked back.

 This wave of operations was so unexpected that Gong Qianli couldn't help but frown.

After hesitating for a moment, she finally walked to the trash can and picked up the gift box on top.

 couldn't help but open the box in advance, and she saw a small thing wrapped in layers.

 “What is it...” A mysterious feeling.

She took the scissors and peeled them apart layer by layer, and a small round ball fell out and rolled to the ground.

Gong Qianli quickly bent down to pick it up. This familiar blue glass ball filled her with surprise!

 “My glass ball.”

This glass ball belongs to her. She was depressed for a long time when she couldn't find it before, but she didn't expect that Gu Chengxi would give it to her now.

It couldn't be that Gu Chengxi took away her glass ball before, right?

 Because Gu Chengxi has a criminal record, she can't help but think of the worst.

 But she soon rejected the idea herself.

Gu Chengxi was so arrogant that even when he intervened in her relationship with Nangong Luo, he only used words and didn't bother to do it.

Gu Chengxi couldn't do such a thing as stealing the glass ball.

Probably, she accidentally left it behind and it happened to fall into Gu Chengxi's hands.

 Finally, Gong Qianli picked up her cell phone and sent a very brief message to Gu Chengxi, just two words: thank you.

 There was nothing more than thanking her, and she chose not to pursue the matter even for unclear reasons.

 Things of the past can only be passed away.


  After getting married, Gong Qianli officially obtained the title of "married woman".

Now, Ye Weiwei, Gong Qianli and Yu Anran, three friends who have known each other for many years, all have a common topic. When they go out shopping, they will always talk about their families.

 After so many years, Yu Anran's temperament is no longer as indifferent as before.

Probably because she has such a wild husband like Kitano by her side, Yu Anran is a little more smoky and gentle now than before.

 They live close to each other, and although they may not necessarily see each other often, they are in contact several times a week.

No, I just happened to have an appointment to go shopping today.

 “The season is about to change, so I need to buy some new things today.”

 “Yes, we should be ready.”

  Women’s desire to shop is very strong, especially when several people are together, they are addicted to watching everything.

 Fortunately, everyone is rich!

After purchasing some things that everyone could use, Ye Weiwei and Gong Qianli were most concerned about their children.

Ye Weiwei said: "Feng'er and Ruoruo have recently been talking about how I want to buy them a new chess set."

Gong Qianli also suddenly remembered, "Speaking of chess, I just heard Yu'er talking about it yesterday. It seemed that a child accidentally lost it at school."

“Yeah, they obviously don’t know how to play chess but they like the chessboard and the chess pieces. It’s hard for me to understand their hobbies.”

Gong Qianli touched her chin and thought carefully, "Do Feng'er and Zhiruo both like it? Then should I buy a pair for Yu'er?"

Ye Weiwei shrugged, "It's up to you."

The conversation between the two was actually a very normal and ordinary exchange, but the unintentional words hurt Yu Anran's heart.

 Other people’s children are four or five years old, but she...

 (End of this chapter)

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