My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1327: Yu Anran still can’t get pregnant

Chapter 1327 Yu Anran still can’t get pregnant

  The two mothers who were discussing suddenly became quiet.

 Although it is a threesome, they actually take care of everyone.

  Ye Weiwei and Gong Qianli walked on both sides of Yu Anran, never letting her be alone.

 Even quickly changed the topic.

Ye Weiwei mentioned, "I suddenly remembered, did Kitano show off a pair of watches on WeChat Moments last night?"

When asked, Yu Anran nodded, "Yes."

Gong Qianli immediately took advantage of this topic, "Wow, that guy in your family is so handsome. Just post the picture on WeChat Moments, and talk about the love gift from my wife. I'm really tired of it! You said he is a Isn’t it too much for a man who is usually wild to show off his affection in the circle of friends all day long?”

Being brainwashed by Gong Qianli's phone call, Yu Anran instantly forgot about the unpleasant thoughts he had just because of the child.

 And he answered the question seriously, "I have told him many times."

Gong Qianli struck her palms with both hands and asked: "But he just doesn't change, right?"

“Well, he said that it is his free right to post any content on Moments.”

“An Ran, you want to show your majesty, okay?”


 “Protect your status as the head of the family! You must make him strictly follow your words!”

 “Follow what I say?”

“Yes, it’s the kind of effect where he doesn’t object to anything you say.”

"This is unlikely." Yu Anran thought carefully about her and Kitano's status at home? ?

“It’s difficult to change the things he decides. He is usually the one making the decision.”

 “It means you have no decision-making power at home?”

Yu Anran thought for a while and shook his head.

Gong Qianli suddenly became quiet.

 She probably needs to sort out her language.

She has been out of the country for the past four years, and most of her knowledge of Yu Anran and Bei Ye's affairs comes from Bei Ye's circle of friends. As long as she opens it, she can see all kinds of displays of affection.

I want to show off what gift I gave yesterday, I want to show off the meal I made today, and I want to show off where I am going to play tomorrow. In short, I want to show it off day by day, month by month, and every year.

 Having been showing for so long, there are a lot of tricks and the styles are getting fresher and fresher.

 But today I ask, do you have no right to decide?

Yu Anran has been independent since she was a child, and even more so when she grows up.

No one would doubt Kitano's sincerity and love for her, but now she is told that she has no decision-making power at home. This is very confusing to Gong Qianli, because she is a person who wants to do whatever comes to her mind, and generally does not Let others decide their own affairs.

 “It shouldn’t be, An Ran’s character is so independent.”

Ye Weiwei endured it for a long time and finally smiled, "You don't know this, my little life is very nourishing. Kitano arranges everything for her. That's why it's good. If you let An Ran make the decision, I guess I just stay at home every day."

She explained to Beiye and asked Yu Anran to say: "Anran, tell Liuli what aspects Beiye made for you."

  “What’s there to say?”

 “It’s fun, share it and listen.”

“Well, it’s just like he found a good place, and he must drag me there whether I want it or not.”

"anything else?"

“Also, I have to pay special attention when I go out with him, because if he takes another look at something, he may buy it home.”

 “It’s so beautiful…”

 (End of this chapter)

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