My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1332: Four years later, Ye Qingfeng rode many boats

Chapter 1332 Four years later, Ye Qingfeng stepped on many boats

They all say they have the seven-year itch, but some people fall in love with it more and more deeply.

Four years later.

 “You bastard, stop here!”

 “Mommy, you have to promise to forgive me for my mistakes first!”

 “Forgive you? See if I don’t break your legs today!”

 “Help, he died young!”

Ye Qingfeng ran a full circle around the garden holding a stack of colorful envelopes, while Ye Weiwei chased him around with a feather duster in his hand. In the end, he really had no strength and leaned on the door to catch his breath.

 Ye Qingfeng stood ten meters away from her, on high alert.

 Because he knew that his biological mother was not an ordinary weak woman. If he hadn't trained her body for a long time, she really wouldn't have been able to run overnight.

“Mommy, please let me go.”

"Let you go, tell me what you've done all this? The girl's parents have come to your door. Where do you want me and your father's face to go?"

 “Is face as important as your son?”

"It depends on the circumstances! How old are you? You are an eight-year-old kid in third grade and you have learned how to receive love letters and fall in love?"

“Mommy, those girls insist on giving me love letters. I would be so embarrassed if I refused.”

 “You are using strong words!”

 “I tell the truth.”

"Honestly? So what happened to the girl's parents who came to us just now and said that you and their daughter had a puppy love? The girl just said it yourself that it was you who admitted her as your girlfriend, right?"

 Ye Qingfeng touched his ears and scratched his hair.

Ye only looked at his little expressions and knew that those things were true.

  I’m so angry!

 It is a good thing that her son has such charm at such a young age. Logically speaking, she, as a mother, should be proud.

  She had always been proud of having a smart and handsome son before, but now she found out that her son fell in love early in school because of his handsome face!

Let's forget about puppy love. After all, she and her current husband, Ye Xichen, have known each other since childhood. She has no objection to her children having a childhood friendship that could eventually turn into love.


 But this person in her family is not a fuel-efficient lamp!

 Because the parents looking for her were not just one family, but several!

 In other words, Ye Qingfeng said the same thing to several people, "Then from today on, you are my Ye Qingfeng's girlfriend. From now on, I will protect you. If anyone bullies you, just tell me!"

This sounds so domineering and handsome, right?

 The little girl was already very fond of him, but when she heard these words again, her heart must have been as frightened as a deer.

 The relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend is thus determined.


 Ye Qingfeng rides on many boats with one foot!

 When others came up to her and told her about this, she was so ashamed.

“Are you my biological child? Why are you so bothered?”

“Can you still not know whether I am your biological child? If Mommy is doubtful, why don’t we ask Uncle Gu to do a paternity test now?”


Ye Weiwei raised his fist and was about to rush towards him.

Ye Qingfeng wanted to run, but before she could take a step, she suddenly felt her body vacate.

 “Ah, wow wow wow.”

  Ye Qingfeng’s legs and hands kept shaking.

  He was put down until a certain height that he was not accustomed to, but he was held tightly by the collar and could not move away.

 Ye Qingfeng felt a chill down his spine...

 He turned around slowly and saw his own father standing behind him.

 (End of this chapter)

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