My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1333: Father and son are very similar

Chapter 1333 Father and son are very similar


"Come with me."

Ye Xichen didn't give him any extra expressions or words, and took him directly to the training ground where he usually exercises.

Ye Qingfeng, who was so proud just now, now stood like a pitiful little sheep next to the big lion. He took a peek at Ye Xichen's expression at this moment. He was very cold and calm. The silent atmosphere made Ye Qingfeng dare not express his anger.

Ye Qingfeng's mind was spinning very quickly. He saw the dumbbells next to him and walked over to practice on his own initiative.

“Daddy, I’ve gained another ten pounds recently.”

  Meaning that the weight he can lift high has increased.

Ye Xichen walked over, stretched out his hand to hold the dumbbell, and used human power to increase the weight.

Ye Qingfeng staggered and almost lost his balance.

His adaptability is very fast. He knows that trying to please doesn't work, so he just lowers his head and admits his mistake, "Daddy, I was wrong."

 “What’s wrong?”

 “I shouldn’t receive love letters, I shouldn’t say those things to girls...”

 “Continue.” This continuation does not agree with his explanation, but adds to the gravity.

Ye Qingfeng felt like he couldn't hold himself up anymore, but he inherited Ye Xichen's arrogance in his bones.

There are some things that you can admit your mistakes and give up immediately, but there are some things that you can persist in even if you are tired and suffering.

Just like now, he tried his best to admit his mistake, but he did not admit defeat when Ye Xichen deliberately increased the weight of the dumbbells.

Ye Qingfeng was lifting the dumbbells. He was very tired and nervous. Sweat broke out on his forehead.

Ye Xichen did not ask again.

 Just wait for Ye Qingfeng to figure it out on his own.

At this moment, Ye Youyi stood not far away and watched secretly, but she actually couldn't bear to see her son being punished by Ye Xichen.

Knowing that both father and son have stubborn tempers, if Ye Qingfeng's apology did not address the point in his heart, he would not relent.

Ye Weiwei, who stood outside for a while, finally relented and walked in.

“Brother Chen, Feng’er has already completed today’s physical training.”

 The implication is that you can release him now and there is no need to help him with physical training.

But Ye Xichen did not let go immediately, he still kept increasing his strength on Ye Qingfeng.

When Ye Qingfeng saw Ye Weiwei coming, he suddenly had an idea and changed his mind and continued to admit his mistake, "Mommy, I'm sorry, I'm not naughty anymore. I promise to listen to you and never make you angry."

First, he had to act nice in front of Ye Weiyi and admit his mistake, and he still expected Ye Weiyi to put in a good word for him.

 But Ye Xichen let go of his hand immediately after he apologized to Ye Qingfeng, and even helped him take away the dumbbell.

Ye Qingfeng raised his head and looked up at his father.

Ye Xichen immediately warned, "If you dare to go against your mother again and make her angry, don't blame me for being rude to you."

Ye Qingfeng immediately raised three fingers and said, "I will send four, there will be no next time."

Ye Qingfeng is quick to commit crimes and admit mistakes quickly, making Ye Weiwei feel angry and funny every time.

Ye Qingfeng grasped the key point to solve the problem, that is, no matter how naughty he is outside, he must not go against his mother in front of his father!

 In Ye Qingfeng's view, the phrase "people of the opposite **** have no humanity" is quite suitable for his biological father.

Ye Qingfeng was punished just now. When he came out, he found that his palms were all red.

 Ye Weiwei took him to apply some cooling medicine to make his skin feel comfortable.

While applying the medicine, Ye Wei couldn't help but ask one more question: "Do you really know that you were wrong?


“Tell me, what’s wrong?”

 (End of this chapter)

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