My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1335: Xia Xiyun's life and death back then

Chapter 1335 Xia Xiyun’s life and death that year

 “Welcome, welcome.” Ye Youyi warmly welcomed people in.

"Feng'er, Ruoruo, take your brother to eat and rest. As I told you before, do you know what to do?"

 “I know!” the brother and sister said in unison.

They first asked Han Qi if he was hungry. Han Qi touched his stomach and said that he had eaten a lot on the way here and was still full now.

  Putting the food matter aside for now, Ye Qingfeng took him to see his toys again.

“Look at these, the gun here, the car here, and here, these are all my collections!”

Even though Ye Qingfeng is usually very playful, he is actually a child with profound knowledge.

His memory is amazing, his interests and hobbies are very wide, and he specializes in many things, even much better than some adults.

 They once conducted a test and tested Ye Qingfeng’s shorthand ability and knowledge understanding ability. His IQ was in the genius range!

 Knowledge Ye Qingfeng is not a nerd. He will understand and learn what he likes, but the method he uses is very flexible, and he will never just hold a book and chew on it.

It's just that Han Qi almost yawned when he saw Ye Qingfeng's toy guns and toy cars.

On the contrary, it was Ye Zhiruo's music room that interested him.

 Because Yezhiruo is more Buddhist, she seems to be born to be an all-around excellent lady, and voluntarily accepts some music and dance interest class training, so she has a lot of music equipment.

Han Qi probably inherited his father’s musical talent, and he has had an extreme fondness for and discernment of music since he was a child.

“Sister Ruo, I’m learning the saxophone recently.”

“Huh? You are learning this at such a young age, can you adapt to it?”

 “Just getting in touch with it, learning some theoretical knowledge and rarely practicing it.”

 “Wow, that’s really cool.”

 The two of them should have a common language in music and have a lot of fun talking with each other.

 Unknowingly, Ye Qingfeng was left alone, alone.

Of course Ye Qingfeng would not be happy with this!

 It should be said that as soon as Han Qi came, his sister stopped paying attention to him. As a sister-controller, how could he endure it?

 Of course it is absolutely impossible!

Ye Qingfeng immediately went online to search for information about "Saxophone" on Baidu, and used his rapid reading and memory skills to theoretically understand Saxophone.

He couldn't wait to run to Ye Zhiruo and Han Qi, trying to get involved in their conversation, but at this moment he realized that the two had ended their conversation about "Saxophone" and changed it to Xun?

Ye Qingfeng's knowledge is quite extensive, but after all, he has never practiced it. Hearing Ye Zhiruo talking to the "professional" Han Qi, it must be a bit inappropriate.

Ye Qingfeng stood behind Ye Zhiruo and waved his fist at Han Qi.

Han Qi was so cute that he showed it to him.

Ye Zhiruo looked back and instantly caught Ye Qingfeng's small movements.

Ye Qingfeng pretended to be serious and said, "Ruoruo, brother Han Qi just arrived and needs to rest now."

  Instead of talking all the time.

 The conversation between Ye Zhiruo and Han Qi finally stopped temporarily.


Downstairs, Ye Weiyi had a face-to-face communication with Han Xingye.

“I knew when I saw Qi’er just now that you have raised him very well over the years.”

“That kid follows me and likes music. He and I can communicate through music.”

“It’s up to you to have the talent, but the way I looked at him just now, I feel that he looks more like my mother.”

 “Yes, his appearance is like this.”

It is a pity that he was buried in the sea seven years ago.

 (End of this chapter)

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