My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1336: My son abducted your daughter.

Chapter 1336 My son abducted your daughter.

 “Hey, Han Xingye, cheer up and have expectations for unknown things.”

 They did not find Xia Xiyun's body in the sea that year, but after so many years, there is no news of him being alive.

Perhaps because he is unwilling to face reality, Han Xingye, like Ye Weiyi, refuses to believe in bad results. He always feels that he is still alive.

“Don’t be so sad in my house. Why did you bring Qi’er here this time?”

“Tsk, to be honest, I just have a crush on your Ye Zhiruo. I’m bringing Qi’er over to cultivate our relationship.”

"Hehe, hehe." Ye Weiyi gave him a look to understand for himself, "Do you think I will believe it?"

“My father’s sixtieth birthday will be in a few days, and I will bring Qi’er back to celebrate his birthday.”

 “OK, got it.”

Logically speaking, Han Xingye came back specifically to celebrate his father's birthday, but he did not return to the Han family immediately because of the incident.

 Xia Xiyun was forced to death because of Han's mother's mistake. Han Xingye was devastated, and the relationship between mother and son fell apart.

  Until Han Mu realized that Xia Xiyun's death had dealt a serious blow to Han Xingye, and when she insisted on going her own way and proved that Han Qi was Han Xingye's biological son, she regretted it.

 But everything is over.

In the first few years, Han Xingye lived alone with Han Qi in the next city, and he was not even willing to go home.

 Later, the relationship eased slightly, and he just kept in contact with his father and deliberately evaded when facing Han's mother.

 Later, as Han Qi grew up day by day, Han Xingye also gradually realized the protective desire of parents for their children.

 Now he still can't let go of what happened at the time, but he can interact with the Han family in peace.

Many things are a cycle of cause and effect. One day, everything will come to an end.

“Then you and Qi’er can stay here with us for the next few days. Anyway, my two children love to be lively, so let Qi’er play with them.”

“Qi’er stays with you, I’ll go out on my own.”

 “Oh? What else do you have to do?”

“I haven’t been back for a long time. I went to have a few drinks with my good friends. I feel more at ease leaving Qi’er here with you.”

"no problem."

Han Xingye agreed with his son to stay at Ye's house for the time being, and Han Qi agreed.

 Ye Weiwei personally sent Han Xingye out, and Han Xingye gave a few more words about what Han Qi needed to pay attention to.

Ye Weiwei nodded while listening, and couldn't help but sigh that the profession of "nanny" is really amazing! Han Xingye, who used to be a fast-moving man, is now as good as the old lady in terms of talking about things!

 “Then, please.”

 “No problem, go ahead and go.”

Ye Weiyi waved his hand and finally sent the nagging guy away.

Just as she was about to enter the door, the person behind her took a step beyond her and opened the door.

Ye Weiyi turned his head back and was surprised to see Ye Xichen standing next to him.

“Hey, when did you stand next to me?”


"Just now? Did you meet Han Xingye when he went out?" When he said the last word, his mouth opened slightly.

Ye Xichen stretched out his hand to close her slightly open mouth and solemnly reminded her, "You are not allowed to mention other men in front of me."


 I'm sorry, she just couldn't help it.

“How many years have passed, are you still jealous?”


 “Yo yo, looking at your little expression, it’s obvious that I am.”

 (End of this chapter)

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